Sierra › Safari › Perpetrator › Rpg › Opio › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Sierra
  2. Safari
  3. Perpetrator
  4. RPG
  5. Opio

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Sierra › Definition and Meaning

Tool with a sharp serrated blade for cutting hard elements

The concept saw has several uses in our language.
On the one hand we use to designate a tool often used and consists of a sheet made of steel with very sharp teeth and a handle made of wood which is where the user can manipulate. The saw is undoubtedly one of the tools used by the strength that you have and make it ideal for cutting wood or other hard elements utensil.
So basically, the saw is used to cut pieces. This hand saw and there is also another type of electrically operated saws and which are very potent and effective in their work.
While it is a tool used by any individual who need to cut something hard, are more carpenters who use it in their work.
Its origin dates back to Ancient Greece and is credited with the invention to the nephew of a great architect and artisan Greek as was Daedalus.

Careful handling to avoid accidents

It should be noted that the saw is a simple tool to use, especially manual, but are also very dangerous because the toothed steel blade is sharp and requires manipulation awareness to prevent accidents.

Element torture

As a result of this it is that in the past used to be used as a cruel torture mechanism. The methodology was certainly bloody as it placed the condemned prisoner or upside down and it began to cut from the crotch.

Cordillera mountains formed by few steep

Another widespread uses of this word is given at the request of geography to designate that ridge formed by few mountains with steep slopes and peaks with defined peak shape.

A species of shark with sharp serrated teeth

Moreover, we should mention that there is a species of shark called sawshark because just have a face with sharp serrated teeth and have the main task of removing sandy bottoms to find and catch prey. Once ingested the prey captured after heavy gear that crumbles.
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[ 2 ]

Safari › Definition and Meaning

Hiking in natural habitats where you can catch sight of animals enjoying freedom

The concept of safari designates a type of trip that takes place in natural habitats where raw certain flora and wildlife native to those places and where the animals enjoy the freedom and therefore is beyond their dangerous characteristics, such is if the lions roam free there, and are humans who visit these safaris who should take precautions and not interfere violently in the natural existence they lead, or so soon that is the behavior that is wait.

for tourism or hunting animals

Generally, these safaris are specially developed in various regions of Africa where just dominate nature in pure state and wild animals. The purpose of these excursions today is usually tourists take photographs of places and animals and also to observe closely the living conditions while respecting their rights, although there are also safaris with a weekend hunting, events that have been practiced since ancient times and against various species including lions, rhinos, elephants, giraffes.

Practice every day adds more convictions

It should be noted that in recent times in which worldwide has been phenomenally issued a conscience for the defense of animal rights, such practices have the condemnation of much of the population world for that one and vile order to kill an animal just because meddle and so hostile a habitat natural, modifying and manipulating it.
One of the bad most emblematic in this regard examples gave it very little nothing more and nothing less than the very King of Spain, Juan Carlos I, today and ex monarch after having abdicated in favor of his son, now King Philip VI. One of the hobbies that you like best to Juan Carlos was just leaving safari to hunt elephants and was in his last foray in which he also suffered a sharp drop that much spread the news and was severely criticized and reviled by many organizations defense animal and citizens who do not integrate them but they clearly condemned this action as contrary to life.
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[ 3 ]

Perpetrator › Definition and Meaning

If we focus on the semantic analysis of the concept of perpetrator, it is revealed an obvious idea: subject word refers to a person and a quality asset. Thus, in a general way the perpetrator is the one who has a leading role, that is, the individual who takes a proactive stance and revitalizing. In any case, subject active objects, logically, to the taxpayer.
In this post we will discuss three different contexts in relation to this concept in the field of law, the grammar and homosexuality.

Perpetrator Law

From a legal perspective, the perpetrator is the individual or entity that has the authority to demand anything, while the taxpayer is the person who must face an obligation. The active subject is the holder of a right and therefore is able to demand their fulfillment. The state is, par excellence, an active subject in relation to citizenship. This mechanism applies to tax obligations (the state imposes a tax and the taxpayer is the taxpayer who is required to pay), as well as other situations governed by the law (on mortgages, inheritances, etc.).

In the field of grammar

If we focus on grammar, the active subject is the person responsible for an action. In the sentence "Pepe drink a glass of water," Pepe is the protagonist of said event and, therefore, the active subject. And we would talk when the taxable person responsible for an action is mentioned indirectly (They invented that machine).

active and passive subjects in homesexualidad

In homosexual activity practiced by men or women involved two individuals, each with a different sexual role. In relations with intercourse is a person who penetrates, while the other is penetrated. The first is the active subject and the second liabilities. The same can be said without need for intercourse, because usually one of the two individuals (male or female) is leading the initiative, while the other has a more passive role.
There is a curious aspect in relation to the active or passive role in homosexuality. Homosexuality has been persecuted throughout history (and in some cultures still is ). However, in countries where homosexuality is punished, the role of the active subject is "excused" and its consideration is not as negative as the role of the taxpayer. In other words, the dominator is understood and dominated is neglected. This assessment moral double standards has an explanation from the perspective of rejection of homosexuality: the taxpayer or dominated person is considered more vicious than the dominator.
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[ 4 ]

RPG › Definition and Meaning

The RPG acronym does not correspond exclusively to a particular aspect but actually may relate to matters other than each other: a video game, language of programming, a type of rocket - propelled grenades and even a therapeutic treatment related to posture body as well and two other meanings, related to the world of computer and video games.

RPG programming language

A programming language is a formal language, ie consists of a structure of symbols that are designed to process information that can be adapted to the field of informatics. In other words, a programming language is a syntax that allows the combination of different symbols. The RPG is a type of programming language that emerged in the 60s in the company IBM. Report Program Generator RPG means and was designed to improve the format of the preparation of business reports in the field of business. This language is characterized by the mathematical potential to perform a variety of calculations, file structure and its usefulness in the input and output of data.

RPG video game

Stands for this game mean game of interpretations of roles (in English Role-playing game). Its meaning and presents an orientation of the dynamics of the game, since the player plays a certain role. Its main feature is the fact there is no specific script, but a player acts as a mediator between the different characters and at the same time, the mediator sets the stage of the game and creates a certain atmosphere. The RPG is a game that recreates medieval battles and epic fantasy worlds filled.
From the point of view of video game programming highlights its database internal, map editing for configuring cities and very attractive locations and finally, customizing the game by downloading scripts.

The use of acronyms

In everyday language acronym they have a special role. They exist in relation to all subjects. Some become acronyms, when an acronym pronounced the same way as a word (for example, UFO, AIDS or bit). The use of acronyms has two distinct faces. In a sense, it is inevitable and part of the reality of language. However, it has an impoverishing component of language and like most acronyms come from the English is not always easy to correct and proper translation.
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Opio › Definition and Meaning

Opium is a substance liquid green obtained from a plant, poppy. This liquid has alkaloids (eg, codeine and morphine), which can be extracted drug as opiates, for example morphine.

Opio, between health and addiction

Throughout history opium has two distinct uses: as medicine and as a drug. As early civilizations of antiquity analgesic and tranquilizing effects were known: it was used to relieve pain, so that the children sleep, diarrhea and currently applied in the form of morphine in some cancer treatments.

The drug opium

Opium as drug is used in several ways: by smoking and snuff together with hashish, pills, powder, in the form of morphine injected into a vein, heroin, etc. Its main effect is a feeling of intense relaxation, accompanied by an absence of pain and a state of numbness and, interestingly, is a libido enhancer, ie sexual appetite. Although it does not produce hallucinations (which does happen with the use of LSD and other drugs), it has an addictive component and, consequently, the dependent person can suffer withdrawal symptoms (depression, vomiting and general physical discomfort).

Opium dens

The Chinese have consumed opium since ancient times. From the nineteenth century, various waves of Chinese migration occurred. One of the most important, is what occurred in the western United States, where around 1850 gold was discovered in California (mythical gold fever). In the city of San Francisco establishments for smoking opium and this practice spread to other cities around the world they were installed.
Opium dens were frequented by people of different social strata. Smokers inhaling the vapor of opium in long pipes and sat, looking for escape and relaxation of body and mind. These establishments were legal for about two decades and then went underground (usually hid in the basement of a legal business).
The atmosphere of the opium dens attracted the attention of artists and intellectuals and writers have counted in his novels the environment and the characters of this world (including Conan Doyle in some stories of Sherlock Holmes or the brilliant Alan Poe in his stories).
For smokers of opium, the intense pleasure they feel it is preferable to alcohol, because in drunkenness control the mind disappears and the effect of opium is a state of clarity and peace.
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