Self Defense › Coverage › Contractor › Expiration › Boycotting › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. self Defense
  2. coverage
  3. contractor
  4. expiration
  5. boycotting

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

self Defense › Definition and Meaning

When a person protects itself from some kind of attack is said to practice a form of self - defense.
The concept of self - defense has four different contexts: as a fighting technique, and strategy legal, as a defense mechanism of an organism or system of citizen protection against criminal gangs.

Martial arts and self-defense techniques

There are martial arts and forms of struggle are not intended to attack anyone but their approach is based on self - defense, autodefefensa. Judo, taekwondo, jujitsu or aikido are examples of martial arts that allow defense weapons and a spirit of non - violence.
Some own martial arts techniques are used for some groups to defend themselves against possible attacks (eg, the police learn techniques to fend off violent attacks).

A legal strategy

Legal systems in states that everyone has the right to be defended in the courts. In this line, it is possible that a person decides his own defense. This circumstance is collected by the legal framework and, in fact, in a judgment of fouls the affected person does not need a lawyer to be defended but he himself can do.

Self-defense mechanisms of the human body

The bodies in general and the human body in particular biological activated to fend off aggression or unpleasantness strategies. Such mechanisms are instinctive and occur spontaneously (eg adopt a fetal and legs bent posture to increase body temperature and protect from cold).
Self - defense mechanisms are multiple: dilated before a danger imminent, the pain as a form of notice of any physical problems, coughing or breathing difficulties when we create antibodies to defend the body. All cells throughout the human body generally has a biological structure that enables the self.

citizen self Defense

In mass communication news in which it is mentioned that a group of citizens organized to protect themselves from criminal gangs or organized mafias usually appear. Citizens who choose to defend themselves are known as self - defense groups, which act as a kind of police
community in a situation of oppression or, in some cases, these groups are also related to criminal activities. The existence of self - defense groups in a region is a clear sign of insecurity citizen and social dangerousness.
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[ 2 ]

coverage › Definition and Meaning

To understand the true meaning of the word coverage is necessary to explain their different ways, because it is a polysemic term and is used in very different situations.

Cover something to decorate or protect

In some cases, you may present something else covered. So, if we make a chocolate covered cake, chocolate is your coverage. Quite often, in the manufacture of objects the last layer of a product has a protective function. This type of protective layers is precisely something coverage and is used for sealing, as rust protection or aesthetic function.

In the media

The information is transmitted in media communication is performed through a series of channels and with a particular technical deployment. This is known as the media coverage of news. If an event has an international dimension it is logical that there are many media outlets around the world following the news and in this sense, there is wide media coverage.


Telecommunication services encompass a territory determined more or less extensive and to refer to the range uses the term coverage. The use of mobile phones is very common to talk about coverage issues. And do not forget that the different phone companies compete with each other and the coverage they have is one of the most valued by consumers.

In the insurance sector

There are all kinds of insurance (doctors, for home, automobile and so on ). By hiring a safe, all the benefits covering their coverage forms. For this reason, when a true incident related to the insurance contract, it is necessary to ascertain whether the incident is covered by insurance or not.
Regarding medical services available, individuals need to know the extent of them, for certain treatments may be out of health coverage.

In the banking sector

Banks assume some risk when customers fail to meet their payments relating to loans granted. In this context, the bank coverage is the level of protection of a bank to meet the potential outstanding claims. The data bank coverage is key to understanding the solvency of a bank, which is technically known as solvency test.
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[ 3 ]

contractor › Definition and Meaning

The term contractor is very common in the context of labor relations. When two players in a contract to provide services: the contractor and the contractor. The first is the one who takes the initiative to require an external service to their own activities. And the second is providing such service after recidido the corresponding request.
Between contractor and contractor agreement, which is reflected through a service delivery contract is agreed.

Contract of service

The parties involved work general conditions set out in these agreements, for example, a schedule a payment and a series of conditions (eg, a period in performing work or a policy of compliance ).
The service delivery contract is a contract of a commercial nature, which means it is not an employment contract. This means that on the one hand, someone requests a service and, simultaneously, another individual who provides a service to first. See this general idea with a concrete example: a hairdresser is in the fact that there is a water leak in your business and to solve this situation requires the services of a plumber, which is the contractor. In this example, the corporate purpose of the salon is treating hair, but if a leak occurs in this business, the barber must resort to a third party, which is a professional who is not subordinate and independent. Among the hairdresser and plumber contract business is established.

Client, contractor and subcontractor

The contractor assumes the responsibility to perform an activity and it sometimes has to resort to other outside professional activity, ie a subcontractor. Outsourcing means that an entity with a given activity provides an external service, usually a specialized service. The main purpose of outsourcing is to reduce costs in production.
In conclusion, in this form of contractual relationships there are three protagonists: the client, the contractor and sometimes the subcontractor. The customer has a specific need and if you can not solve by itself has to resort to other professional, contractor, which in turn may need another professional, the subcontractor. For the project initial customer satisfactory is necessary to establish clearly the functions of each of the entities and this is quite common intervention of a mediator between the client and the contractor, known as customer representative.
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[ 4 ]

expiration › Definition and Meaning

Caduco quality of something

Expiry word is used to indicate the quality of decrepit something, a product or a food, for example. It is said that something or someone is outdated, when old, is perishable, is outdated or became obsolete.

Loss of effectiveness or validity of something

On the other hand, the word is used to indicate loss of effectiveness or validity of something, a contract, or an action by case basis because already met its deadline.
In contracts held, generally, the term of that contract states that, while, when that deadline will discuss expiration of the contract or the contractual relationship, provided timely commitment there.

Right: When the lapse of the contract ends lose the right to make any legal action

Shelf life is a figure that is contained in the law, however, when the period of the contract ends, the person loses her right to make any legal action. You can only do it when the contract in question is in effect, expiration, however, annuls in this regard.

Expiration date: date set as a limit to consume a food, medicinal, cosmetic or chemical

On the other hand, is referred to as the expiration date before the date set as a limit to consume a food, medicinal, cosmetic or chemical, that is, that day will end consumption optimal and then if it continues to consume after it may be risks to the health of the consumer as the product may become harmful or unhealthy because it has lost its recommended properties.

Obligation to place the expiration date on the product matching

Manufacturers of types of products mentioned should always indicate the products they produce the expiry date thereof, as the manufacturer believes that if the customer consumes the product desoyendo that date may be risky for your health.
We must emphasize that the expiration date should appear obligatorily in the packaging of the products when appropriate and may also appear as expiration date or time limit recommended consumption.
Of course if the consumer uses the product after this date and have any problems, the manufacturer will have no liability whatsoever, whereas if the will if the customer has a problem after consuming the product while in period of validity.
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boycotting › Definition and Meaning

Action whose mission is to pressure a person, group, organization, eliminating or complicating the linkages that exist with it

The word boycott designates that action whose mission is to put pressure on a person, group, organization, among others, eliminating or complicating the linkages that exist with it and can be commercial, economic and thus affect the economy and finance of the person or entity boycotted, or failing that can attack other levels and planes as social.

Origin of the term

The term has its origins back in the mid-twentieth century, when the Irish captain Charles Cunningham Boycott managed land in his hometown and he used to oppose claims he raised the peasants who worked and demanding better working conditions. Meanwhile, their neighbors, upset with this attitude he was punished not working for him or not paying any service needed, with the intention of pressuring him to accept orders from farmers.
Hence then the concept and it emerges application we give today when you want to call to that negative action that runs against a person, company or country, mostly in economic terms, with the mission to the affected change the attitude adopted in some and complicating aspect of this group.
And for those who like the stories we note that the pressure was such that ended Boycott received exiling in England.
While the boycott applies mostly on economic and commercial contexts, too often it occurs in social or occupational level.

The US boycott of Cuba

It is common that this concept is associated and used as a synonym for the word blockade and to see more clearly give you a good descriptive example... The blockade Cuba suffered by the United States for many years and that complicated its economy was a clear example that the country boycott imposed on North island ruled at the time by Fidel Castro to the mission of punishing him for his behavior.
The blockade has been in force since October 1960 and was the US response to the expropriations that the government Cuban conducted on the properties of Cuban and US companies also residing on the island. At first it was left to the margin of boycotting areas such as medicine and food but in 1962 decided to extend it to those mentioned as well.
Since 2014, Cuba and the United States approached positions and is moving slowly at the end of the current block.
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