Disgruntled › Resizing › Reformulation › Replacement › Glass › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Disgruntled
  2. resizing
  3. reformulation
  4. replacement
  5. glass

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Disgruntled › Definition and Meaning

A disgruntled shows the opposition between two points. Opposition showing a distance as a result of an inherent contradiction.
From the point of view of rhetoric, a person who is giving a speech and exposing his views on a particular subject, you can fall into a contradiction in expressing two arguments that show a clear opposition. The logic is the branch of philosophy that analyzes the validity of arguments. An argument that shows a contradiction between terms is false.

Principle of contradiction

Logic can analyze the antagonism of two terms. Aristotle expressed the principle of contradiction as follows: "Nothing can be and not be at the same time in the same direction". This principle is one of the essential foundations of logic and shows the impossibility of the affirmation of a statement and its negation at the same time. The temporal aspect is one of the most important points to understand the principle of contradiction.
For example, a person can not be and not be at the same time in a given place at the same time. However, a person may itself be in a certain place at a certain time and be in a different place at a later time.
When a person shows some kind of disgruntled produce confusion in the party. From this point of view, human beings communicate beyond words. For this reason, a person may show displeasure with the facts expressing an opposite message that said word. The disappointment reflects the lack of coherence between thought, feeling and action.

Difficulties of life

In a different context logic, the disgruntled shows the difficulties of life, those obstacles that every human being has to save on your way to move forward. A setback is an unexpected barrier, a misfortune, a tragedy, one emerges in the form of negative news sadness staff, broken expectations, personal disappointments, dangers...
On the way to career success, many professionals have to face adversities they can pose an obstacle to professional development. For example, an unexpected dismissal, a suspended examination or failure of a project. Adversities of life vital cause pain and fatigue.
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[ 2 ]

resizing › Definition and Meaning

Back to determine the dimensions that holds an object, an item or a topic

As we have seen following other concepts, re, is a prefix used extended way in our language to express the repetition of an action, in this case the sizing. Dimensioning involves the establishment of the exact dimensions of something that might be something material palpable or something abstract.
Then, taking into account the referral, resizing is a term that expresses the return to determine the dimensions that holds an object, an item or a topic.
With some concrete examples will see more clearly the scope of the concept: "We'll have to resize this space to adapt to new needs." "The contribution will this new machine will resize the area, I am convinced." "We ask that you please resizes the images we took with our digital camera before passing them by email and not as heavy."

Resizing technology applies

Turns out to be a very common practice in the field of technology the use function redimensión on images to precisely adapt to a particular space or also to limit them in terms of weight and thus are not as heavy and case occupy much space disk it.
Many applications that take pictures and also some teams that perform the same action have this function redimensión, which obviously proves to be very useful for the issues discussed.
The computers or cell phones, which are electronic devices that we use today have major storage spaces and even also allow you to add through other devices more space, however, it is important that beyond that possibility know manage spaces in a manner consistent and one way to do is resize the pictures we keep so we do not occupy much space and end up removing not only space but also by slowing the use of other functions.

Consider a problem, a question from another angle to make sense of the importance or magnitude

Also the concept will usually give much a rather symbolic use when you want to indicate that someone should re consider a problem, a question from another angle and thus have a true idea of the importance or magnitude presented. " It is important that candidates redimensionen the issue of insecurity in the streets of the city."
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[ 3 ]

reformulation › Definition and Meaning

Re is a prefix widely used in our language is much used before a word that indicates an action or activity, to refer the repetition of it. In this particular case it would be the formulation term that refers the expression of something through a very clear manner and accurately.

Formulate something again

So, considering the above we say that the reformulation involves the fact formulate something again, which promptly had been formulated again done because it was not understood, because it went wrong, among so many alternatives, but the truth is that when something is reformulation object is because there did well in the formulation and then a reformulation is required.

Introduction of changes, eliminating errors

We must also emphasize that the formulation is a concept closely associated with the scientific world because when someone creates a new proposal in some field of science systematizes and presents a theory and popularly is said to have made the formulation of a theory.
Meanwhile, following in this case, it may happen that after formulating it, the scientist in charge of research, discover new alternatives and at the same time have to eliminate some maximum proposed above, then, will be the reformulation of theory, something quite common to happen in this field, eliminating some issues and accepting many others.
One of the basic characteristics of the reformulation is that changes are made to that in which had been working or something that discussed and therefore demand the reformulation.
But not only in the field of science there reformulations, in any other area or in our own personal life there can be reformulations... In education there may be a reformulation of academic content to aggionar some subjects. In our private lives can be a reformulation that leads us to decide to change our work, and a company may be a reformulation of its sales roster because they have not achieved the expected results.
Also when we express about something can happen that suddenly someone does not understand us and then we will have to express it, using other words, for example, if we use little words understandable level interlocutor.
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[ 4 ]

replacement › Definition and Meaning

Replacing something else

The use of replacement concept in our language is certainly current and used extendedly to refer the substitution of something else, in any context or situation. So then you can talk about replacements of people or objects, elements, among so many alternatives.

Replacement of broken elements

Normally, the replacement in the case of objects and elements comes as a result of breakage or damage thereof. In some cases, when that component serves only and case can not be made it will be replaced by another, whereas in cases permitted because no complete break and is fixable element which is made is replaced by another to continue using the device until it is arranged, for example.

Replacement of people in activities and jobs

When it comes to replacing people it is generally the result that the individual is ill, is injured, resigns, dies, among other alternatives, and then the task or activity that came rolling in a job becomes vacant and must be replaced for that the action of the company does not suffer.
While we must say that no indispensable people, it is a reality that can often be cumbersome to find replacement for someone and even more so if overridden who sported a lot of experience in the qur office vacated.

Replacement of teachers, actors or athletes when they can not fulfill their roles

In many areas, such as the theater, the sport and education, it is very common that there are prescribed replacements come to occupy an active role when the holder becomes ill, is on leave, among other options. For teachers who have recurs replacements as activity that play can never stop.
While in the case of the plays when you get sick or an actor absents must climb scene replacement, which is another actor who perfectly knows the letter and its function is precisely to replace the actor or others, so often the lyrics of several characters known.
And in sports, when a player is injured or playing poorly, the coach replaces it with another playing in his place.

The partial renewal of an army

Moreover, the concept is used in the military field to designate that step of the partial renewal of an army because they have the law.
Instead, substitution and substitution are some of the most common synonyms for this word
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[ 5 ]

glass › Definition and Meaning

A crystal is a solid body having flat faces and well formed with straight edges and a sharp corners. In everyday life we are surrounded by crystals (common salt we use in the kitchen, sugar, found in coins, bones of the body or materials used in the construction ).
Crystallography is the discipline science that studies the characteristics and properties of crystals.
The most important thing is to know a crystal structure, which determines what their physical or chemical properties. In this regard, we must bear in mind that a crystal has a regular geometric shape.

Crystals and minerals

Interest crystals originated through the study of minerals. The alchemists of the Middle Ages wondered why why each mineral had a certain geometric structure. Medieval scientists could not answer such questions. It was in the centuries when he began to understand the configuration of matter. Thus, it was observed that there was an order crystalline material with newspaper. Crystallography reply to this observation and discipline describes how the crystalline material is formed, what its structure and how it is organized. Thus, a crystal can be understood as a homogeneous solid having an internal order in its morphology polyhedral.

Differentiating crital ore, and the role of mineralogy

To define what is a crystal it is possible to understand what a mineral, which is a naturally occurring crystalline solid. One could say that would mineralogy knowledge studying the chemical composition, the structure, the origin and properties of each mineral from its crystalline composition.

Crystallography, an even greater step in the analysis

Crystallography goes beyond mineralogy. In fact, today we talk about the science of materials, aimed at creating new materials applicable to new technologies and industry. Some examples of this science are highlighted in nanotechnology or semi-conductivity.

For carbon

A specific example is the case of carbon. When carbon crystallizes forming a specific structure forms a mineral, diamond (hardest known mineral). If carbon crystallizes in a different structure may form graphite (less one of the known hard minerals). Thus, both minerals are identical from a chemical point of view is its organizational form and what makes them unique and different.
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