Creative Cuisine › Tripod › Contemporary Dance › Cosmiatry › Remodeling › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Creative Cuisine
  2. tripod
  3. Contemporary Dance
  4. cosmiatry
  5. remodeling

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Creative Cuisine › Definition and Meaning

Kitchen innovates not only in aromas and tastes but in the visual presentation of the dishes served

The creative cuisine is a concept that applies in gastronomy to designate this type of cuisine is characterized just as its name implies by the creativity, the innovation that applies to dishes it produces. But that novelty will not only be given in flavor or aroma but also in the presentation as it is given a fundamental importance to the expression visual dish in question in this type of cuisine.
That is, test creative cuisine and stimulates the five senses, without exception.

Mergers, lighter ingredients, cooking less distinctive touches in the presentation of the dish, keys

With regard to the preparation of the dishes, creative cuisine proposes more levity in the ingredients and less cooking vegetables. Heavy sauces and cooked vegetables greatly lose ground and gain stop mergers, mixtures and of course those touches of final presentation that will captivate the eyes of the diners, because final accounts all come first by the eyes, and it, precisely the creative cuisine decides to place special emphasis, something that practically was given much attention before.
For tasty and flavoursome taste it is important of course but for this type of cuisine so is the way in which it helps the diners the taste and the presentation should be attractive enough to accomplish the task also like visually.

The relevance of research and experimentation

In order to meet the requirements and conditions of this cuisine is a must by those who carry forward the research and experimenter tasks. Experience blends of flavors, textures and spices to know how to combine better and also find everything that brings a plus to the plate will be central to the purpose pursued by the creative cuisine and that is why both actions, research and experience are transcendental.

typical techniques

Now the creative cuisine has its own techniques after more than enough effectiveness have been standardized as: the deconstruction of the dishes, which involves separating the ingredients of a typical dish and then reassemble them but in a totally different way than classic.
The contrast is also a brand of this type of cuisine, present a sweet dish like salty or vice versa.
And vacuum cooking, which imply a low - pressure boiling for thereby cooking times are reduced and food better keep their nutrients, color and texture.
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tripod › Definition and Meaning

The word comes from the Greek tripod tripous, which means three feet. Thus, a tripod is a three - legged contraption is intended to maintain stability for some purpose.
The tripod as utensil is based on the geometry because its shape has the appearance of a triangle. This similarity between a tool and a geometric figure is very present in daily life (such as a compass, ruler, or a simple box).

Tripod in different disciplines and activities

Photographers use tripods with a very specific purpose: to place on top of a camera and thus ensure that no photos are blurred. On the other hand, it serves to prolong exposure photo.
One of the characteristic objects of painters is the easel, which has a tripod shape to ensure stability when painting.
Surveyors use tripods also incorporate metering devices in its top.
Three - legged device is also used in some activities conducted in scientific laboratories.
The characteristics of the tripods are very useful in a variety of activities to support a rifle or binoculars or a rescue instrument related to mountaineering.

The importance of safety in the structure of the tripod

In all its variants, the tripod acts as a platform security. Thus, security is the main factor of this type of objects. For the same reason, some temporary construction or that must be built with speed are made from three sticks joined at a vertex.
In Greek mythology a priestess sat on a bench on a tripod made of wood bay to give their answers in the Delphic oracle meant the god Apollo. For this reason, this utensil acquired a sacred character for the ancient Greeks.
Chinese tripod
In the world of climbing mountaintops reach more than 8000 meters high is considered a great feat. However, there have been cases of fraud in connection with some important conquests of peaks. The photographs that immortalize the moment of reaching the summit are difficult to perform and also can be manipulated quite easily. Because of this some Chinese climbers put a tripod on the highest summit of Everest point.
Thus, when an expedition gets climb this mountain you can make a photograph with comfort by placing the camera on the tripod they placed the Chinese.
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[ 3 ]

Contemporary Dance › Definition and Meaning

One of the actions most practiced by humans since ancient times

The dance is one of the actions, activities, more developed by humans and also is also one of the most legendary because since the beginning of civilization human practiced.

Whole body movements to the rhythm of certain music to express emotions

Involves movements of the whole body, from head to toe, to the rhythm of music determined, even often it is the kind of music that mark the type and pace of movements performed with the body, and moreover It allows us to express feelings and emotions of all kinds.

Contemporary dance is a reaction to the classical form and the need to express themselves freely

Of course through the centuries, dance, like any human practice was evolving, changing and adapting to the times. In the case of contemporary dance birth is due to a reaction against classical forms and also man's need to express themselves in a free manner.
In contemporary dance, the dancer will express an idea, an emotion or feeling, with movements that are typical of modern times, ie, that are characteristic of the times.
Contemporary dance is considered to that expression that respects the above conditions and was born in the late nineteenth century to the urgent need to seek alternative classical dance against her technique as strict ballet.

Freedom of movement for the dancer, even many dance barefoot and performing jumps

The ballet meant not only a rigorous technical but also a very demanding and limited commissioning stage while contemporary dance was beginning to settle raising the opposite: greater freedom of movement for the dancer even danced barefoot and performing many jumps.
However, we must say it is very difficult to define in a single style, because in reality, contemporary dance is a fabulous mix of styles that is difficult to determine a common parameter between them.
We could say that in contemporary dance there is no concrete definition, everything is accepted and everything counts while the prime is the leitmotiv to express themselves freely with the body.
And how could it be otherwise, a dance of these times could not be indifferent to technological innovations and so is much of the interpreters of the same have incorporated technology into their presentations through video and images used as background of the choreography.
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[ 4 ]

cosmiatry › Definition and Meaning

From the face to the feet, today, we are required more than ever to look beautiful, young and be in tune with certain aesthetic parameters

Undoubtedly, these times more than other past are characterized by special claim and enhancement of physical care, good presence and above all the things of youth. From the face to the feet, today, we are required more than ever to look beautiful, young and be adjusted precisely an aesthetic that combines beauty and youth. Meanwhile, for that which is not good, beautiful and young, the technology, has developed a host of proposals and options that allow you to whoever wants it, have the body and face very well maintained.

Discipline doomed to beautify and treat problems that affect good aesthetics

And here in this present who cares so much that found its place and niche the cosmiatria, an activity that just deals with exclusive manner of it, that women and men who demand it, and through various practices and procedures that displays, can beautify that part of your body you want.
But not only beautify and rejuvenate it also occupies the cosmiatria, he develops an intense research efforts to address some problems associated with aesthetics and thus improve the quality of life of individuals. Because we must not ignore that in some people the aesthetic problems can strike a blow to their self - esteem.
For example, those suffering from severe acne usually ashamed of this situation and in extreme cases it is even possible that the person limit your social life with embarrassment that causes his bushy face acne pimples and wounds.
Fortunately today cosmiatry attends many of these problems with efectivísimas solutions and then people in such situations manage to overcome these defects and feel beautiful and aesthetic.

Main services offered

Besides the aforementioned acne treatment, the cosmiatria, offers the following services: hydration of the skin, face cleaning, removal of skin blemishes, reducing wrinkles, lines of expression and scars.

Technology assistance

As we said, technology is a great ally of the cosmiatria and that is that most procedures involve aparatología last generation laser, ultrasound, among others.
Importantly, the practice of cosmiatria should run by a professional of medicine with deep knowledge in the field. Dermatologists usually exercise and doctors from other specialties with specific training on the subject can.
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remodeling › Definition and Meaning

A remodel is a substantial transformation of something. The idea of remodeling is associated with the concept of change, but not in a secondary sense, but the change is significant.
Remodeling can be understood in several ways : as an organizational aspect, as a technical or related to a living organism.

Remodeling in organizations

A football team, a company or a partnership culture are subject to change and transformation. Think of a football team that does not get good results. In this situation, the management team decides not to have a number of players and incorporate new ones. In this process there is a remodeling.
Companies are constantly changing their team leaders, personnel hiring or incorporating new strategies. When the change is relevant and significant remodeling occurs. Every entity has an image, which is now called corporate identity. This identity is usually periodically changed (a new logo, a change in color of the entity, typography or other items related to the image).
In all its variants, an organization is remodeled in order to improve their performance. A transformation would be meaningless without a particular purpose.

Reshaping objects

Many of the objects and tools that we use are remodeled for some purpose. Usually this occurs so that more attractive or more effective in some sense. The tuning is a clear example of remodeling and affects motor vehicles but also to computers and the world of fashion.

Remodeling of human body

Since ancient times humans have used techniques to reshape the body. Tattoos, lengthening the neck with collars, bandaging feet to make them more attractive or simple physical exercise are some examples in which the body itself is transformed.
However, in recent decades the aesthetic and restorative medicine has incorporated highly sophisticated techniques to radically change the look of someone. Remodeling may have therapeutic purposes (eg, a blockage in the nasal septum), although the usual trend is to improve the external appearance of the body.
Liposuction or skin tightening are concrete ways to modify some characteristic of the organism. The reasons why someone decides to change her looks are obvious: feel more attractive, younger and gain confidence in yourself.
In conclusion, remodelamos organizations, devices or ourselves because we need to change what is wrong or unsatisfactory for something better.
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