Cash Out › Figuratively › Rosa › Disruptive › Cabinetmaking › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Cash Out
  2. Figuratively
  3. Rosa
  4. disruptive
  5. cabinetmaking

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Cash Out › Definition and Meaning

The concept of reimbursement has several uses in our language.

Total restitution of something

We can use to account for the full restitution of something, such as a debt owed to someone. The refund is in this case giving back to the person with whom the total of what is owed is in debt.

Reintegros in private medicine

Also the concept of reimbursement in this respect very much used in the field of private medicine to refer to the return the company prepaid medicine makes to his client when he attends consultation with a physician who is not among providers. That is, medical companies working with these systems they do is give back to your client that this amount had to pay the doctor who visited and not part of the roster of professional company.
This course is required as proof of that visit bill professional in which the fee paid is indicated. Without proper presentation of the same customer may not be reinstated.

Return to practice an activity

Moreover, the word we use to express reimbursement someone has returned to perform an activity he did and that at one point interrupted for some reason. "I refund to football matches every Tuesday with co-workers."
However, reinstatement can take place in any setting or situation... reinstatement to a job after a leave request illness, reimbursement to class after a trip, reimbursement to a comfortable economic life.

On taxes and trade, refunds also work

Also, in the area of taxation is usual that the Treasury will require the taxpayer to pay in advance a certain amount in respect of a tax and after a time and under fulfillment of certain conditions, the Treasury will reimburse the taxpayer of that money was disbursed.
And in the field of selling products and services is very common figure of reimbursement that appear when a person buys a product or good and it has a fault, then the company, if the customer does not want to change it, it shall refund the money paid at the time for it.
On the other hand, there are many companies that offer their customers or potential customers a refund of any product marketed if it does not satisfy them or if they find a better value in the market.
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[ 2 ]

Figuratively › Definition and Meaning

Figurative language is part of our communication daily. It's the way they talk in which an idea is communicated through another and terms used have a relationship with the original idea. This form of language is also known as figuratively and is widely used in literary texts, especially poetry. The figurative sense is opposed to the literal sense in which the words are used with its strict meaning.
Thus, in a literal sense we would say "I am very thirsty, " and in a figurative sense would say "I'm dying of thirst." In general, the figurative sense is used to give special expressiveness to language and at the same time is a way of saying something with a certain intensity and originality. It is also used to give an image of an idea.

Expressions that one limits

Think of someone who wants to say something but decided to hold back for some reason. In this case, it seems that "biting the tongue " (here the image equivalent to bite his tongue to be silent). Such locutions have no difficulty between speakers of a language, but may create confusion among those who are learning a language. It is very likely that a foreigner with poor command of Spanish confused with statements like "starving", "have long tongue" or "break out laughing."

Different uses of figurative sense

When talking so colloquial those involved in a conversation resort to figuratively to emphasize a message or to express an ironic sense an idea. Imagine that between a group of fellow one that is characterized by moodiness and in this circumstance there is someone who says "the lion is about to roar" (in this case referred to the individual with bad humor).
In the context of the journalistic information appear expressions figuratively and thus achieved a greater impact information ( "Madrid throws the championship overboard" or "the runner reached the finish line knackered").

In the field of literature

In the literature is very frequently used resources Stylistic, with which aims to beautify the language and give it a dimension different from the usual. Thus, metaphors, metonymy and other resources can give the words a figurative sense (for example, "the anguish of the writer against the blank").
It is in poetry where the figurative sense acquires a more elaborate dimension, as the poet associates words with ideas beyond ordinary language.
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[ 3 ]

Rosa › Definition and Meaning

The word rose has in principle two meanings: a color and a flower. As a color, it is a hue that is produced by the effect of clarifying red using the white color. From a cultural point of view, the color pink is associated with innocence and the feminine world. In this sense, it typifies the distinction between blue for objects or gifts for boys and pink for girls. From a psychological perspective, this color is associated with friendly, engaging images and generate sympathy. Part of youthfulness and a certain sentimentality and romanticism.
And Red is a passionate color, pink is sweet and is very much on creative messages or transmit illusion. Probably the best known example is the Pink Panther, a fictional character that his personality is based on its characteristic color.

Rose flower popularly understood as

If we talk about the rose as a flower, we find a curiosity: the best known is red and not pink, but has different varieties. This flower is used in outdoor or indoor gardens and cultivated in warm climates. You need abundant water and sunshine and known for its fragrance and beauty. Every rose has its own meaning. Thus, the red represents the passionate love, white symbolizes purity, pink means gratitude and yellow represents joy.

The symbolism of the rose

Whether it's a color like a flower, pink concept is full of symbolism and worth making a brief tour in this regard.
In some locations is celebrated the day of San Jorge, which is typical for romantic couples exchange roses. In Catalonia, this tradition is known as Saint George and the rose is accompanied by a book (celebrated on 23 April is the International Day of the Book).

In religion

In the Christian tradition the rosary, which comes precisely from the early centuries of Christianity, in which several roses bound with a rope and each was accompanied by a prayer is recited.

In the political sphere

In the tradition socialist one of the characteristic symbols is a closed fist with a red rose. This logo represents two ideas: the power of the fist would be the union of workers and the rose means sensitivity and beauty.
Finally, the pink concept is present in ideas and various manifestations: the wind rose, gay world, the tabloids, as woman 's name or symbol of Freemasonry.
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[ 4 ]

disruptive › Definition and Meaning

Disruptive is a term that comes from English, namely the substantive disruption, which refers to an unexpected problem, something that interrupts an action. This term is used to indicate the breakdown of something rather abruptly. So, what is that disruptive involved in an abrupt way to mess up or alter a situation.

Disruptive behavior in teaching

For the process of teaching and learning elapses normally need a certain harmony, ie there is an order and rules in the classroom so that the teacher can communicate with students. Sometimes the order is disturbed and disruptive situations that hinder learning standardized occur. The good teacher is one who knows what might be disruptive behaviors and how to correct them. Among the most common Disruptive guidelines include the following: students who interrupt or directly bother the teacher, excessive noise or heat or deficiencies in the planning (for example, give a kind of disorderly manner and without following a storyline). Any disruptive aspect confusing and measures must be taken to not occur.

So disruptive in the field of innovation and enterprise

Disruptive technology means that new technology on the market and produces a changing effect. Imagine that we are in a particular market with stable prices and suddenly a new product appears at a very low price. In this case, the emergence of a different element occurs and may be a technology, a different service or strategy of communication.
When speaking of the disruptive element in the world of innovation it referred to a new business model, that is, something that comes with a different purpose and that somehow breaks with the provisions. In this sense, it is a positive disruptive because it is a way to innovate (logically is positive for the innovator succeeds but is negative for its competitors).
In recent years it has coined the term "disruptive innovation" and is an approach typical of the new companies, which incorporate atypical and different from its competitors technological strategies. This idea could be expressed with a well - known concept creativity. Creativity means doing something differently, so an evolutionary process is interrupted with a striking element and therefore a disruptively.
In conclusion, if something is done in a radically different and revolutionary way we have a disruptive proposal.
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[ 5 ]

cabinetmaking › Definition and Meaning

Art and craft of making furniture from fine woods

It is designated by the term cabinetmaking the art and craft of making furniture from fine woods such as ebony, which purposely took its name.

The properties tree ebony. Ebony history

Ebony is a wood that comes from the homonymous tree and is characterized by a large height, between 10 and 12 m. and alternate leaves have a spear - shaped. Its flowers are greenish and well round fruits. The wood is heavy and very solid, well in the center black and white to the area of the cortex.
Then, the characteristics of wood make the ebony tree prized by the timber holds.
Its use dates back to antiquity, to the eighth and seventh centuries BC in Mesopotamia, where the remains of paintings and furniture made from this wood belonging to the royalty of the time they met.

Specialty woodworking manufactures parts quality and value details

We could say that just as there are some practices that have branches or specialties within the woodworking, cabinetmaking turns out to be a very popular and sought expertise dedicated to making ebony furniture and other fine woods as noted lines above.
In carpentry generally less sophisticated furniture produced while the woodwork is characterized by creating furniture of great finesse and delicacy, many unique times in terms of realization and design because they are often applied to them as completions, carvings, marquetry, turning, among others.
Ebony addition, cabinetmaking works with other woods high valuation such as walnut, oak, fir, ash, cypress, olive and yew, among others.

Cabinetmaker, the professional joinery

Meanwhile, the person who is professionally engaged in manufacturing furniture with fine woods like ebony is called as a cabinetmaker.
But beware that not every carpenter or someone who has deployed the office of such can engage in cabinetmaking and this is basically because cabinetmaking involves deep knowledge of fine woods and how work also are also indispensable some geometric knowledge linked to the layout for know how to make them correspondingly on the wood.
By the same token, anyone who wants to engage in this art will need before doing a great training in the workshop of a master in the field.
In addition to the physical space, the workshop in which a cabinetmaker carries out its work is called cabinetmaking.
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