Brine › Fbi › Mozo › Inattention › Oenology › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. brine
  2. FBI
  3. Mozo
  4. inattention
  5. oenology

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

brine › Definition and Meaning

When water containing a high concentration of salt is known as brine. Seawater, freshwater and brine have different levels of salt. Apparently the three liquids have the same, but to analyze its content is observed that the salt concentration is different in each case (at sea is 35 grams / liter, in fresh water 0.5 gr / liter and brine has 69 g / l). For this reason the brine can be detrimental to balance environmental seabed or rivers where it appears. In fact, the brine is an obvious danger for marine flora and fauna.

The importance of Brine

Brine is important because each species has a water level of tolerance to salinity. This causes environmental technicians must seek a solution to achieve natural brine solution in order to obtain an acceptable level of salinity. The system most commonly used to dissolve the salt is poured into its various forms.

natural brine known

In the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake in Utah there are natural brines. Its high concentration of salt is dangerous for some species. In the case of the Dead Sea brine is used for commercial and therapeutic purposes type. In fact, the salt bath obtained from the Dead Sea are used for its healing properties as well as in the world of cosmetics. The Great Salt Lake in Utah (English, Great Salt Lake) generates consequences in its ecosystem due to the salinity of the water (this mainly affects land adjacent to the lake, which suffer long periods of drought).

Applications Brine

The brine is used in areas where heavy snowfall occurs (used to remove snow on roads). It is also used to purify salt thereof and in the industry of food so that they can be stored for longer. In ancient sailors they were tanned hands with brine. Some oil wells are drilled using the brine. Curiously remember that once the oil burned in order to evaporate brine thereby obtain salt.
The most typical use of this substance is liquid culinary. Is used to salt the meat or fish and is present in all types of recipes (pickles, as a sauce for roast, olives in brine, for treating ham, etc.).
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[ 2 ]

FBI › Definition and Meaning

The Federal Boureau of Investigation, better known by its acronym FBI is an agency under the Department of Justice US whose main activity is the fight against crime, particularly organized crime.
The FBI was founded in the early twentieth century and originally intended to be an organization that combated fraud related to commercial activity. However, in the decades of the 20s and 30s there was a major shift in his approach. In 1929 a period of economic crisis of great magnitude and the FBI began feared that this situation could encourage the emergence of communism in the US. Moreover, the rise of crime in the country made the FBI focused its efforts on dismantling the various mafia groups.
FBI history was associated with the figure of its head for nearly five decades, J. Edgar Hoover.

historical performances

One of the first actions of Hoover was to dismantle all organizations considered subversive for the country. One of the most famous episodes was the US expulsion of hundreds of anarchists, communists and revolutionaries (his expulsion was known as "The ark of the Soviet").

Who are the G-Men and what roles?

To achieve greater efficiency an elite was created, the G-Men. The agents of this body could not be black or Hispanic or women or Jews. Its main function was spying. It should be borne in mind that in the 30 US feared that Nazi spies were infiltrating the country and, in parallel, concern about communism had become an obsession.
Because of this, the FBI got a warrant allowing wiretapping (there are documents showing that people like Einstein, Picasso and Buñuel were investigated by the FBI). The G- Men were secret agents but society knew their roles and became symbols of the fight against crime (the G-Men appeared in comics and represented heroes fighting the dangers that threaten the nation ).

Campaign against communism known as the "Witch Hunt"

In the late 40s it launched a campaign to detect Communists among intellectuals and artists in Hollywood. This campaign was run by the "Un - American Activities Committee" and has passed into history as the " Hunting for Witches".
Some activities of the FBI have been released after the release of thousands of secret reports uncensored by the body itself.
In the movie "J. Edgar" 2011 the story of one of the most powerful men in the US, J. Edgar Hoover is counted.
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[ 3 ]

Mozo › Definition and Meaning

Young guy, youth

In English the term boy has a job certainly extended and can be used both to refer to a young individual, more precisely the one who has passed the childhood but can not yet be considered an adult.
And by transitive also the word used to refer to anything that own or associated with youth: young years, boyhood, among others. "A young so young as you may not be doing such as heavy duty".

Person serving the tables of a bar

On the other hand we use the word to call an individual who performs professionally waiting tables, bar a bar, restaurant, cafeteria, among other dining options. "The boy who waited on us last night was very attentive, it's the best restaurant"
Now, without doubt, the second reference is that we find most popular and most widely used nowadays. The other use has become obsolete, it was more commonly used in the past. Our grandmothers used to talk in terms of good lads.

Main tasks of a waiter

Then the waiter, also called as a waiter and bartender is someone who displays the job of serving customers, guests in a hotel dining such as restaurants, bars, or failing in hotels.
Once the customer or are on the table, the waiter, approaches, welcomes you and offers la carte menu instead. Then, you must take to make the request to them, both as regards dishes chosen as well on drinks.
Other tasks that the boy is collecting the dishes once finished eating customers, in order to serve the main course or dessert, or when they leave the establishment.
The waiters are usually dressed in a white shirt and black pants and a black bow tie, however, there are establishments designed a special dress for their youth that has nothing to do with the description.

Tip, an award for the attention of the waiter

If the attention of the waiter was good is common for the customer to leave them on the table or in the folder in which delivered the bill, a tip, which is normally established and will be 10% of consumption, although usual it is that the client leave an amount according to their capacity, leaving some more, some less and some others nothing.
Tipping is very important for boys as it is an important additional income in addition to their salaries, and which can make differences in income.
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[ 4 ]

inattention › Definition and Meaning

Neglect can be one of the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can have a child and requires special treatment because this neglect interferes in a negative way in performance academic.
A person can have an overlook when easily distracted object of their attention as a result of any external factor. Currently, students have to make a great effort not to fall into neglect since the mobile phone and social networks become a potential source of distraction.

Examples of neglect

In the context of communication interpersonal also neglect the situation may occur as shown dialogue between two people, however, one of the two is lost in his own concerns. That is, your worries keep you from being attentive to what the other says.

Neglect at the professional level

In the professional context, there are also time stealers that can become a cause of neglect by the worker. From this point of view, it reduces the quality of the work carried out by professional since neglect shows a lack of utilization optimal time.
In terms of personal relationships, there may also be stages of alienation and miscommunication showing a disregard for the other. It should be pointed out that sometimes this neglect can also refer to oneself. This occurs when a person neglects herself and no time is spent giving priority to other external affairs and other immediate occupations.

A lack of cordiality

An overlook can also display a sign of lack of costesía within the context of good manners in society. For example, it is not a sign of neglect to thank receiving a gift or not answer a Christmas greeting.

A reaction result of being affected by something

From a realistic point of view, the human being has his mind set on the fulfillment of many goals this can lead to scattered attention. The human being is not a machine, therefore, there are specific causes that can also hamper attention: forgetfulness, fatigue, excessive occupations on the agenda, laziness and a stage of sadness (sadness also affects memory).
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[ 5 ]

oenology › Definition and Meaning

Science and art of producing wines

Oenology science and art of producing wine is called, ie oenology is devoted to study, investigating everything inherent to this popular beverage to produce.

Wine one of the most popular alcoholic beverages consumed worldwide

The wine is undoubtedly one of the most popular and consumed alcoholic beverages worldwide and case around it there is a fantastic industry that was developed step by step since its discovery and that of course was adapting to changes, discoveries and obviously it included the technological advances that have been specially developed for your production grow and grow around the world.
For instance, today, the wine industry is one of the most important and gives them greater dividends to those territories that have failed to exploit greatly.

In preparing a wine involved several phases and specialist knowledge in oenology should know

In the development of a wine involves several phases or stages, obtaining raw materials, the actual development, analysis, storage, conservation, bottling and finally the commercialization of the variety.
Meanwhile, in all these matters is involved and understands the discipline of oenology, meanwhile, it called oenologist qualified professional, which was formed about all this, and of course, involved in some or all of these levels.
But this about the development, there are also other knowledge that the winemaker must have and that are essential for the successful development of their profession, as in the case of flavor (vegetable, floral, fruity), appearance (bright, Frizze, epumoso), the sensations produced (warm, dry, rough, rugged, etc.), strains exist (pink, ink, white) and the characteristic temperatures of each variety.
So who wishes to engage in this activity should be formed on the above issues. There are universities that dictate the formation of oenology, for example, in the province of Mendoza in Argentina, without doubt one of the cradles of world wine production, there is an institution academic forming professionals in this regard, and graduates in BA and suitability can effectively intervene in the drafting and also in controlling quality of wine production.
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