Autograph › Deposition › Supreme Resolution › Falencia › Viciousness › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. autograph
  2. deposition
  3. Supreme Resolution
  4. falencia
  5. viciousness

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

autograph › Definition and Meaning

Hand writing your own author

The concept of autograph is used in our language two ways. On the one hand it is called that way hand that wrote its own author, as in the case of a farewell letter or a will that was written by the signer. This type of writings have a special validity because the fact that just have been written by the person who devised and that the signature is recognized.

Signature of a famous or notable

On the other hand autograph word is used to designate that signature of a famous or notable. Undoubtedly this is the most widespread use of the term.

common and widespread practice worldwide by famous personalities

The Autograph is a common and widespread practice worldwide by famous personalities. Autographs of celebrities that make up the world of acting, the sport, or music, are required by their fans, who are able to pursue your favorite artist or athlete to get his fist and letter signature plus a dedication affectionate.
Now, not only the actors, musicians and renowned athletes sign autographs everywhere, also politicians and other personalities who have become media for some question are required in this regard, but of course, the preeminence in this case continue having the edges.

Waiting and despair of fans for autographs from their idols

Fans tend to congregate at the exit of a theater or a stadium, where they know they will encounter with his idol, asking them to these an autograph. Celebrities know that this practice is certainly expected by his followers and then, most people take the time to do so. Even some writers and musicians, when presenting discs or new books, organize a presentation especially in a space to promote them and also sign them copies or discs to their fans.

A prized trophy

For many fans, the autograph is like a prized trophy that manage their favorite artist and so are often able to make long guards to get them. Even there are many fans that piece of paper with the signature and the dedication of his artist frame it in a box, and some more daring even tattooed on the skin.
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[ 2 ]

deposition › Definition and Meaning

When a word has several meanings polysemy phenomenon, very common in our language occurs. The term deposition is a clear example of polysemy and this forces to present the different meanings where used.
First, deposition equivalent to declaration and is normally used in a formal setting. Thus, in the sphere of law this word is used to refer to a judge interrogating witnesses of a legal process.
In a military context, when one side surrenders must make depositing their arms as a gesture symbolizing the ultimate surrender. Deposition of weapons by an army is to assume defeat against the enemy. Sometimes this term is used in connection with terrorist groups and often appear news using this term ( "the government will negotiate with terrorists if they made the final deposition of weapons").
When someone is degraded to a charge for some reason the word deposition is used as the verb depose means dismiss a person of the functions assigned (degradation or deposition someone has a formal character and is common in the area military, civil and even religious).

Deposition medicine

In everyday language excreta disposal is expressed in many ways: go belly, poop or go to shit. As this is an intimate action, it is not correct to refer to it explicitly, so in Spanish peculiar expressions are used to refer to this action of physiological type (I'll clean the pipes, I will read to the bathroom or go making body). The margin of popular use in medicine deposition is used as a synonym for the disposal of excreta.

For a physician deposition may be important for several reasons

- The bowel is related to diet, digestion and the overall health status.
- An analysis of stool may be necessary to diagnose certain kidney disorders, problems related functioning liver or to detect hepatitis or a mismatch in the pancreas.
- The color, texture and consistency of stools provide very relevant information regarding the human body: on the proper absorption of food or vitamins on a possible obstruction of the bile ducts, the abuse of drugs, the consumption of stimulants, poor chewing or digestive problem type.
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[ 3 ]

Supreme Resolution › Definition and Meaning

Decision, issued by a competent authority maximum and an area or context

The concept of supreme resolution is used to refer to that decree, ruling or decision is taken, dictated by an authority maximum and competent in one area or context.

The supreme resolution on justice

If we think about the field of justice, supreme resolutions, are dictated by the highest authority in this regard is the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court or the Supreme Court is that body that exercises the function of court of last resort, ie the same causes that demand reach a final and categorical decision. When a case comes to court and there is a supreme resolution will no longer discuss it and must be accepted by the parties involved.
In most countries there are these bodies, for example in Argentina, is the Supreme Court since 1863 who acts as a final court when administering justice in the country. Its resolutions are paramount and can not be appealed, may only be reviewed by the same court if the appeal for reconsideration is filed.

Decisions in administrative matters

Moreover, ministries or ministerial portfolios that manage a nation at various levels take decisions of this kind with a mission to regulate certain actions and activities carried out. Thus it organizes the functioning of institutions such issues and those that are not permitted are stipulated.

One point, to give organization to a situation or to establish some order in social relations

Whenever an organ or a competent institution decide to take a supreme resolution does to resolve an issue, to give organization to a situation or to establish some order in the field of social relations. That final administrative decision will be published in the most convenient way for all parties to become acquainted with it.
However, the validity of a decision shall be given by the legitimacy that holds the body or official that dictates.
Then, presidents, judges, ministers, are some of the civil servants who usually have the responsibility to dictate supreme resolutions to regulate or coordinate any activity. That resolution unequivocally indicate how to proceed in a given situation.
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[ 4 ]

falencia › Definition and Meaning

If someone hears the word falencia in Spain it is very likely to not know its meaning, because it is a proper term of the old Castilian and that currently is not used in everyday language. However, among speakers of Latin America itself it is a commonly used word. For this reason, in most dictionaries falencia is regarded as an Americanism.
Falencia fallentis comes from Latin and originally meant "the deceiver". It is worth pointing out that falencia and fallacy share the same root etymological (fallacy is a lie with appearance of truth). In joining the DRAE flaw in the eighteenth century it was defined as "error or deception" regarding a statement. Interestingly, it falencia also used in the Portuguese language, meaning deficient performance.

Special features in use

A language is a living, changing entity. An illustrative example of this idea is the use of the word falencia in different contexts and countries where Spanish is spoken. An Argentine, Peruvian and Paraguayan uses this word as a synonym for lack or something. In this way, one could say "there is a shortcoming of environmental measures to protect endangered species" or "in public hospitals there are great shortcomings of advanced equipment". If we move to the Nicaraguan context, the word takes on another meaning, as equivalent to bankruptcy or bankruptcy of a settlement (the failure of the trade traditional in the capital is a significant loss of jobs).
In the use of Spanish spoken in Chile, we find another variant of meaning; in this case it is synonymous with insolvency and is commonly used in the legal field. Shortcoming in the Mexican context is synonymous error, so you could say "falencia in front of the team caused a goalless draw" or "there were shortcomings in the strategy of communication ".

A touch of Americanisms in our language

Philologists consider Americanisms are the very terms of Spanish spoken in the Latin American context. The origin of Americanisms is diverse: the old Castilian spoken in Spain to the Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern age, as well as some terms of Amerindian languages have joined the Spanish (hammock, cacique or canoe) or even some English words adapted to our language and are commonly used in America (apartment, bluyín, truck or crack).
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[ 5 ]

viciousness › Definition and Meaning

The concept of cruelty is related to actions that constitute a crime and more specifically with the fact cause harm to another individual. So, someone preys with another person when performing some form of aggression exaggerated, disproportionate and repeatedly. Naturally, the malice is evaluated as worse off criminally.

The cruelty in murder case

The fact kill someone is punished by the law. However, a judge must know in detail what context there has been a murder. If the evidence presented at trial show that the crime committed is accompanied by an intention to cause the death of someone slowly and painfully and needlessly these behaviors are considered an overkill. In this sense, it is not the same kill someone to do a final shot with several shots because the murderer specifically wants the suffering of his victim.
The cruelty is a behavior aggravating because it highlights the desire to make the victim suffer.
There is not always agreement on what is really a cruelty because this behavior must present a double feature: that the means used are objectively immoderate (for example, 40 stab wounds to kill a person) and that the murderer has the will cause suffering than is strictly necessary.
In a non - legal context, picking on someone else is a bad cause you continuously, something that occurs in some cases of harassment (eg, school bullying or harassment).

Other aggravating circumstances in criminal law

A criminal action is accompanied by a mitigating or aggravating is essential in determining a fair sentence. A mitigating factor reduces the pain and aggravation increases.
A classic aggravating circumstance that has a certain resemblance to the viciousness is the consideration of premeditation (no premeditation in the murder case and not on the murder ). Treacherously action occurs when the offender has planned his crime without taking any risks and avoiding any possible reaction of the victim (eg, killing someone with a rifle at a great distance ). For this reason, it is said that the murderer acted with malice aforethought.
Recidivism is also another typical aggravating, because it means that the offender or criminal has already done before a criminal action.
If the crime committed is in the context of trust staff between two individuals and the criminal takes advantage of this circumstance, it is considered that there is an aggravated by abuse of trust.
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