Apologies › Kidnapping › Sigh › Otario › Blunder › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. apologies
  2. kidnapping
  3. sigh
  4. otario
  5. blunder

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

apologies › Definition and Meaning

From the point of view of communication , there are social courtesy gestures that show the respect that a person has for another when he feels he has made a mistake and wants to repair the damage that has been caused by their actions to this third person. consciousness . Humbly ask forgiveness reasoning given. An apology can be both a failure to commit an error. Through this explanation, the issuer intends to have the understanding by the partner . The apology must be sincere heart . From the point of view of character, it should strengthen the sense of humility to take the initiative to apologize naturally without getting carried away by the barrier of pride. email through WhatsApp, phone ... However, it should be pointed out to apologize face to face is one of the most effective ways for the closeness that transmits the presence interpersonal .
An apology can be offered by such simple acts as having to cancel a social engagement on the agenda as a result of an unforeseen.
It is also possible to apologize to being late to a social plan. There are many reasons why a person decides to apologize, a gesture that not only refers to the social cortersía but also to repentance and making
When a person believes he has done something inappropriate and become aware of it, you may experience the inner need to apologize in a sincere way for this damage.
It should be pointed out that apologies as communication gestures are the beginning of a feedback. The issuer apologizes to the receptor having the personal freedom to excuse or other. Ie apologizing is not synonymous with receiving and that personal freedom is an essential good.
When someone apologizes to another, is explained by what has happened, that is, it justifies their behavior from a
It is very important that people are really sincere to apologize and not simply looking for a pretext to justify certain behavior.
A sincere apology is an apology that comes really from the depths of
You may apologize through various communication channels. by a
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[ 2 ]

kidnapping › Definition and Meaning

A violent crime that deprives of liberty threat and intimidation to get the kidnapped person does not yell and stay still. Monetary mobile partnership illicit kidnap a person for which you can get a large sum of money , popularly known as ransom. In some parts of the world, unfortunately, kidnappings have become a constant by which the crime can get hard cash immediately. political and artists, among others. kidnapping . Sends a very strong impulse to act impulsively language to indicate that strong impulse, he feels fit an individual and that leads him to develop an irrational action or act impulsively fully. Normally the rapture of this type lasts a moment, a short period and it is precisely during the same as the person moved to activate the mode is described. In a fit of anger, my brother killed his wife. He had a fit of anger and quit his job.
The kidnapping is a crime that especially threatens the freedom of the person who suffers because basically consists in retaining it against his will, that is, the person being kidnapping is attacked, surprised by another, usually a criminal, that retains with some specific purpose, such as to obtain the payment of a ransom, obtaining any other issue or item in exchange for freedom, or even simply stay with that person who is retained.
Rapture is almost always accompanied by the
Raptures with an economic purpose are the most common crimes in the world, being then the mobile money which mobilizes a person or
In Argentina, especially after the crisis of 2001, and in Mexico, recently, there has been a fantastic raid raptures businessmen and personalities
We may also encounter abductions perpetrated by family to other family members, as in the case of parents who abduct their children because the other parent does not allow them to see them, then they resort to these extreme crimes.
The Rapture is also called in our language as
Sends a very strong impulse to act impulsively
Moreover, the word rape is used in our
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[ 3 ]

sigh › Definition and Meaning

A typical human action that expresses emotions of all kinds air depth at which follows the expiration of that air inhaled and in some cases he even accompanies a groan. Usually the goal of Sighs is the expression of different emotions and feelings such as relief, anxiety, melancholy , weariness, bitterness or desire. emotion positive or a completely opposite, as in the case of receiving a passionate kiss by who loves or sit finally after hard labor respectively day. literature that the transmission of messages with some emotional charge is proposed. In poetry, for example, sigh, it is a concept mentioned, especially when talking about love, heartbreak or any other feeling. A culinary sigh gastronomy Peruvian having originated in the nineteenth century. It is consumed mainly in the capital, Lima. To the ingredients mentioned at the beginning you add the milk, vanilla essence and merengue coverage leading egg whites, sugar and of course port. Uses colloquialisms
The breath is one of the most common physical actions performed humans and consisting of an inhalation
As appreciated, the sigh, can be the consequence of a
We must emphasize that this action so associated with the expression of emotions is widely used by that
Of course those most beautiful sighs are those that are the product of love or emotion associated with affection.
Also the word sigh designates a culinary preparation made from flour, eggs and sugar. In Peru, the Lima sigh is one of the most traditional desserts
Moreover, the word has in our language uses colloquialisms refer allowing her what happens really fast in a very short time and therefore is considered to be very short-lived. The holiday was a sigh; my cousin marriage lasted what a sigh. And when an individual is very thin they say it is this or that made a sigh.
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[ 4 ]

otario › Definition and Meaning

An unintelligent person who stands in the River Plate lunfardo
The term otario has a regular use in the language current in countries like Argentina and Uruguay, where it is used to refer to a person who has a very vague intelligence and therefore it very easy to cheat in any way. Even in the lunfardo, which is a popular slang hyper in Argentina, the otario is extendedly term used to refer to people who have the features mentioned.
Also in the tango, which is one of the most indigenous cultural expressions of Argentina and where the lunfardo also occupies a very special place in the letters, the word otario usually appears regularly in the various compositions of this style.
"By otario they stole John the bike at the door of his house."
Clearly, then, the otario, is a person that people generally considered easy to exploit or deceive. This is why such people usually tend to fall prey to fraudsters who have a tremendous acuity in detecting this type of personalities and then deal them their shots.
In final accounts otario the word is used in a pejorative and negative whom it applies.
An aquatic mammal but adapted for road traffic
And there is a second meaning for this word and that is one that appoints a special type of mammal, also called otaríidos or otariidae, similes seals. They are pinnipeds because they are fully adapted to life in the water , your body is elongated, has very short legs and hands and feet are shaped finned palms. Bears, wolves and sea lions are the most famous representatives of this family .
Although confused with seals, the main differences lie in the ears available and at ease having to walk on the earth 's surface . In the latter positively the fact that the hind legs are forward. Anyway the adaptation that show is great for swimming.
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[ 5 ]

blunder › Definition and Meaning

Along the road of life there are successes and failures. Mistakes are mistakes that a person commits throughout its existence. Mistakes which may regret not only in the present but also in the future.
In fact, the most painful mistakes are those that make a person suffer for something that refers to its past (and you can no longer change). In most cases, people repent over what they did when they really wanted to try it , that that yes carried out.
Types of mistakes
Mistakes can occur both personally and in the plane professional . Mistakes are part of learning porpio of experience human. Wisdom is a sign of emotional recognize their own mistakes, learn from them and learn from life.
Moreover, a mistake can affect only one person in the case of those decisions that affect only individual to subject the decision level but can also affect other people in the case of those matters in which are involved more than a person.
When a mistake affects more than one person and harms others, is very important to be responsible and act accordingly. Man can not control one hundred percent all the consequences of their actions, but it does have the ability to influence through his attitude in how it addresses these errors.
Presumptuous people, for example, have great difficulty recognizing with humility their own mistakes.
The concept applied to the context mistake academic refers to failure when committing the student does not respond adequately to the questions that the teacher has done in the exam.
Learn from mistakes
Mistakes are life lessons that can be a source of wisdom when the person ponders the causes of their mistakes and instead blame for them, reflect about it .
It is very important not to have a victimizing attitude toward mistakes to be protagonist in your own story when life also has a less friendly color. To live is to learn from the successes and also from mistakes.
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