Close › Running › Reinforcement › Sourly › Pseudoscience › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Close
  2. running
  3. reinforcement
  4. sourly
  5. pseudoscience

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Close › Definition and Meaning

The concept of minimizing is closely linked to the concept of minimum, which we know refers small, while minimizing, is linked to this concept and that our language allows us to indicate the reduction and the minimization degree of something just make it smaller, smaller and thus achieves enter or fit into a given and is characterized by its small dimensions precisely place.
Deriving from this original reference indicate we find another widespread use of this concept in the language colloquial, framed in symbolic and allowing indicate the removing of importance to something, that is, when a fact he relieves one enormous burden was attributed timely something would be minimizing.
In some circumstances certain issues they are enlarged or makes them more complex and difficult than they actually are in reality and in practice, while it may happen that soon, its protagonists, to dramatize the facts or take the pressure, what they do is minimize these consequences occurred and thus can achieve greater peace of mind and bring those involved or who are spectators.
The example shown has a new connotation positive but also the minimization is common to be used with a negative, pejorative intent, in order to demean anyone. Laura passed the exam because the questions asked were very simple compared to what I made me on the examining table.
And in another field in which the term has become very popular it is in the computer since it was adopted it to designate a particular function that users of programs can make if these involve windows as part of their graphical environments. For example, programs Windows are structured windows which can enlarge or maximize, or failing that, do the opposite action: belittle or minimize. Icon or sign minimization is this (-), so it can recognize and is located on the top right of the program window.
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[ 2 ]

running › Definition and Meaning

The concept of execution means in our language the performance of some action or task. So long as it is carried out effectively this or that action may call it in terms of execution. The execution of the work is performed by a civil engineer hired by the state. Execution that made Mary was not right and now your boss entrusted the task to another partner.
But the concept also supports other very specific uses, in contexts such as law and art.
In the legal field is no doubt where more we hear this word as it is termed as running the provocation of the death of a condemned justly death penalty in states where this punishment is authorized course.
Normally the execution of this type is the consequence of having committed a serious crime such as rape, murder, among the most common. Meanwhile, justice and according to the law in force establishes that execution will be: electric chair, lethal injection, among other variants.
It noted that around this punishment there are plenty of voices against and polemics, especially by those who are in favor of the rehabilitation of the offender in jail. But beyond this, it is still applied as in those places where it is supported.
It is also important to mention that this mode of execution has been repeatedly used throughout history no longer on prisoners but on those who dared to think or express themselves differently to the authorities. Crazy that certainly was holding back the Bill of Rights and the arrival of democracy. Anyway, in some parts of the world it remains a common action, unfortunately.
Moreover, the concept also applies in cases where a criminal kills a blank shot his victim.
And in other matters but also in the field of law, the concept of implementation used to refer to binding force and any obligation and not respected and fulfilled in a timely manner.
For example the payment of a debt and then justice does is, if any, repossess the property the debtor and then auctioning them and the money pay the creditor.
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[ 3 ]

reinforcement › Definition and Meaning

The concept of reinforcement has widespread use in our language and can use it in different situations and contexts to account for different things fairly well.
Its most general and widespread use tells us that the reinforcement will be that or one whose mission is to do something more resistant or stronger. That is, it is used or placed in a particular place or position by the input force known to have or because something stronger will need a greater strength.
There are many things that people use as reinforcements something...
If the doctor finds after conducting an analysis that we are suffering the deficiency of any vitamin or mineral essential to our health we prescribe a multivitamin to strengthen this issue.
Following in terms of health there are also vaccines that at a certain age need a booster to remain active in our bodies and thus effectively fulfill its role of protecting any condition. It is popularly referred as reinforcement because precisely are the second dose of vaccine.
In another totally different from what we were discussing things and when it comes to military and police areas, the concept of reinforcement is used to designate those soldiers, officers, agents, among others, that are sent or approach an area that is on alert or emergency relief to victims and also assist other colleagues who are already working there.
Generally, the reinforcements are orders from the area in question when it is found that with the forces available not cope as to attend.
In another area in which the term reinforcement is commonly used it is in football, because that way will be referred to those players who are acquired by a club at the beginning of the season or tournament, with the mission of making more with strong team already has for competitions to be played.
And in psychology we also find a reference to this word and used to denote that stimulus, which may be positive or negative, and then according to the experience with him, will tend to repeat or reject the behavior accompanies it.
So, if I ran out to study and sleep anyway Professor bocho me, the next round will not stay without sleep; whether at work I got a bonus for working the weekend that did not belong, certainly me, I'll do it again if asked.
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[ 4 ]

sourly › Definition and Meaning

That of acrimony is not a term that present widespread use in our language, especially because they are some of its synonyms, such as hardness, roughness, sourness, pungency, irony, abruptness, which are ahead when expressing the reference entitled.
Anyway and beyond this clarification regarding the extent of use we must indicate that it is correct to use this word when you want to indicate the harshness, bitterness or acidity that something or someone makes.
That coarseness, acidity, can be translated into an edible product and then be able to experience through the senses such as smell and taste are the first to enable us to determine.
Lemons, for example, are one of the grocery fit most characteristic pungency. There are also other products such as chillies and garlic that trigger the feeling of acrimony because of the itching they generate to taste.
Or failing when the concept is applied to a person want to indicate roughness or coarseness that this presents in his ways. That is, when an individual has acrimony in his act as characteristic of his personality lack of kindness in return when say or do things.
In some situations or contexts in which turns out to be hyper necessary to show attitude and decision, often acrimony may be something that will help in resolving conflicts or impose ideas, however, in personal, social, common people tend to reject those who are rather rude and rough. Typically these features generate rejection in the majority and therefore do not feel too comfortable when interacting with individuals who present with these characteristics.
And finally we say that embrittlement is also power to some metals because it is a mechanical property which can present them as a result of being subjected to a process in which the cold prevails and consequently increase the hardness and strength of the metal affected, meanwhile, will drop its malleability usual.
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pseudoscience › Definition and Meaning

Practices or beliefs that have no scientific rigor or are not supported by evidence in this regard is popularly known as pseudoscience. The principal then characteristic of such practices is that they can not be assert as true because there are no reliable ways to show what we propose or suggest, however, many followers or those who practice propose them as true ascribing through words and claims lacking scientific rigor.
As a result of this it is that the scientific community does not recognize in any way and obviously are relegated to a B flat by this situation.
In our culture there are plenty of these proposals despite not having with the scientific validity we mentioned are very popular and have countless followers and practitioners. By this we also say that despite not having a guarantee direct and concrete by the scientific community, people generally turns and believes in many of them nevertheless.
We could say about those people who do not have severe inclination towards truth and that leads to doubt everything that can not be substantiated with facts or with your own eyes are the ones who can still believe and pseudoscience.
And obviously the opposite side we find those who demand or yes credible evidence when believing in something and then clearly will not be attracted by pseudoscience..
As indicáramos there is a large presence of pseudoscience in our culture, prominent among they undoubtedly parapsychology, which is one discipline that deals with address and study all paranormal phenomena that occur and which has news. So this will address all perceptions that go beyond the senses, telepathy, telekinesis,communication by spirits, to mention some of the best known.
Another pseudoscience most followed by our culture is the astrology, considered so by the lack of scientific basis for their predictions and proposals regarding the astral phenomena affect the personality of the people and events that come to pass in their lives.
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