Curricular Adaptation › Madhouse › Tecolote › Wrathful › Ovine › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Curricular adaptation
  2. madhouse
  3. Tecolote
  4. wrathful
  5. ovine

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Curricular adaptation › Definition and Meaning

The process of learning any student embarks on the school stage is an important throughout his life footprint since a higher level of training, more employment options have that person as an adult but also, more knowledge you have on the decision making. In a classroom there are many students who attend the same course, however, each student is a unique person.

On the premise of personalizing education to the student's needs

Therefore, one of the major objectives of education is the personalization of education through curriculum adaptation that allows naturally integrate different special needs students may have problems adapting. Thus, through the educational program, it is possible to adapt the content of a subject such as the level of a student who has a special need in order to meet a particular challenge.
Thus, the teaching is further humanizes take into account student limitations and these limitations do an insurmountable obstacle but it is possible to find ways to enhance these capabilities through proper method.

Strengthening the qualities to improve confidence and self-esteem

Through the educational program is part of the fundamental premise that every student has a talent, must therefore sought ways to strengthen the self - esteem that student learning adapted to your needs. This educational program is really complex when you consider that the number of teachers who are in a school is much lower than the number of students and also, time is limited but material resources are too.

Diversity in the classroom, challenges and the role of teacher

Not always practice integrates seamlessly which would be ideal in theory that every student is happy in his school years, you feel valued and able, without comparing with other peers in the classroom. And in turn, that every teacher has all the resources necessary to meet the most effective way possible her teaching job. Being a teacher is to be a master of life while the teacher also teaches values.
The educational program is a strategy effective to address the diversity of the classroom. The education system must be able to provide solutions to specific problems that students with special needs face in their daily lives.
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[ 2 ]

madhouse › Definition and Meaning

The health is an integral good of the human being, there are people who associate the concept of health only with the physical plane, however, the reality is that health is a fundamental good in the life of a person. There are mental disorders that require specific treatment and special assistance. In that case, the patient in a specialized center may be a determining factor in their recovery process.

A term badly seen socially

A mental hospital is a psychiatric hospital that specializes in working professionals who care for patients with mental illness. The truth is that the term madhouse has certain negative social connotations. Today, many professionals prefer to use the psychiatric hospital concept rather than asylum.
Each case is unique and unrepeatable so that each patient requires a needs concrete. In this respect, the duration of treatment may be shorter or longer depending on the connotations of the case. In order to establish proper treatment, first, it is determinant specify the cause of the discomfort.

setting clear goals to improve the health of patients

A psychiatric hospital is a health center whose main objective is the treatment and diagnosis of mental illness in those patients at help. A psychiatric hospital is adapted to its infrastructure to provide care and service to all patients in many cases, they remain hospitalized in it.
When a person suffers a toothache goes to the dentist, therefore, also be remembered that in an acute mental pain, a pain that produces an important vital blockade is crucial to ask also helps the appropriate specialist, in which case it may be the psychologist or psychiatrist. Asylums have been reflected as somewhat oscursos centers in movies film, for example, in The Exchange, starring Angelina Jolie and in which she plays a mother courage.

Forms of treatment and mental health issues change over time, but there are still prejudices to break

Over time, mental health has been integrated in society from a much more positive as an engine of development of the individual point of view. Therefore, the current psychiatric centers also offer a much more friendly image in your physical presence and structure since it must not lose sight that this is a center that humanism is the most important. Ultimately, it should break wrong, such prejudices have a mental problem is not synonymous with being crazy.
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[ 3 ]

Tecolote › Definition and Meaning

The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey that is characterized by a circular just active during the night in order to capture their prey and feed. However, it noted that this denomination is own, original, of countries in Central America, such as Mexico as elsewhere is known as Mochuelo or as a type of small - sized owl.
Then, biologically, the owl is a bird that is adapted to exert their attack overnight, ie it is at this time of day when most acute and concrete can be in developing your instinct.
It is also a species that has caused several tries emotions, admiration, awe and veneration, in Mesoamerican culture over the centuries, especially since its intrinsic being a bird of night features often associated with an beings and gods just They are in the dark. As many would like to say, the night is full of mysteries and then a bird that dominates the scene during this time of the day can not be exempt from the knowledge of all of them.
But this is not the only belief popular around this species, there are many more and laden with symbolic meanings associated with precisely this ability of tecolotes able to see in the dark, such as they are able to bewitch people, of to see beyond what meets the eye because they know exactly see anyone in the dark, to anticipate what will happen in the future, among the most prominent.
And among those who can outrun this bird when crossing it it is because they believe in the popular mind that has attributed the power to be a messenger of bad omens. Therefore, when it appears, it crosses, it is because something bad is going to happen.
At present, it should be noted that the Tecolote protects it from hunting, indiscriminate capture, among other actions, since the species is not abundant and there is a certain risk disappears shortly cares but his survival.
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[ 4 ]

wrathful › Definition and Meaning

The concept of wrathful we apply in our language when we refer to a person who has a natural inclination to anger, namely, that beyond what happens naturally has in his personality with this characteristic sign. That is, the irascible is characterized by always getting angry with another or with something almost immediately if it perceives the other side action or conduct hostile towards him or something that interests you.
It is also possible that someone shows irate at the rate of a specific situation that angers but not always react well but is conditioned by a particular issue that causes anger.
Angry, irritable and angry are some of the most used synonyms for this concept. Meanwhile, the flipside is someone quiet, demonstrated precisely be characterized by peaceful, with parsimony.
The anger is one of the emotions most significant and currents that can ever experience in life a person and is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous because if it is not processed correctly can lead to very serious consequences. On the one hand, it may develop in those who suffer from a feeling of hatred and resentment huge that generate the person acting almost blindly when that wakes motive of anger.
Also, anger is complicated because often triggers violent acts well, which in extreme cases can result in someone's death.
Then, there are irate that handle their anger and others who can not, in the latter case in which there is no possibility of control is when you should involving a professional to help the individual to channel this as negative sentiment and thus avoid dire consequences.
There are specific psychotherapies that have the mission to treat the condition when it reaches its most severe degree. If no compromise can be really effective and reduce the person is spontaneous inclination to anger.
Normally desires or plans that are truncated, and also the enmity that can be maintained with someone can be causes of anger.
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ovine › Definition and Meaning

The concept of sheep is extendedly used in our language to refer generally to the sheep, that is, one that has wool in your body, such is the case of the sheep.
Sheep, as formally called the checking of livestock, and as also happens with cattle (cows), equine (horse) or porcine (pigs), consists of a set, a number of animals considered grass, because they feed on it, and reared together for commercial purposes, either for their meat, or as in the case of the sheep to trade their wool.
Since ancient times, man has used these animals to survive, ie first used to feed through products that naturally produce, as in the case of milk, and wrap the wool, but then with the running time, it was considered his farm as a way to get succulent economic benefits. This led to the practice of sheep farming which is undoubtedly one of the most profitable in the world, as for example in the case of sheep and goats are bred to after they get their skin, wool, meat and milk.
So basically exploiting this type of livestock can make objects and leather elements through the use of his skin; wool having in large amounts is removed and it can make yarn and fibers of the different kinds, which may be used in an industrial or home level for knitting a sweater that shelters come winter.
At present it is possible to find hundreds of breeds of sheep scattered around the world, even living in the most diverse habitats thanks to its adaptability to different climatic conditions, from deserts to mountains.
The sheep is an animal that can live an average of 20 years and are characterized by having sexual dimorphism situation involving their physiognomy is certainly different in the type of gender, male or female.
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