Consulting › Multiplicity › Galls › Perfection › Pigment › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Consulting
  2. multiplicity
  3. galls
  4. perfection
  5. pigment

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Consulting › Definition and Meaning

The counseling is a very common procedure in our culture, developed by people who have remarkable and special knowledge about a subject or discipline and that is precisely to use this expertise to advise and report on those who need to develop a task to carry out an activity, among others, which demand expert knowledge of the topic or subject.
Expert advice can be seen at various levels and contexts of society and the different topics. That is, the advice may appear with all its weight on issues considered sophisticated and complex as well as on issues hyper smaller but not for it stop sometimes need the assistance of an expert in these to develop them accordingly.
Normally, as indicated at the beginning of this review, who demand the expert advice through counseling is a person or organization that does not have precise knowledge about a subject that needs to address or develop. Meanwhile, to make the most satisfying way possible is that the ideal is to call the advice of those who know. Thus mistakes be avoided in action, important omissions, among other typical problems that can arise when someone does or says something without proper knowledge.
At present, counseling, has become a common hyper practice, especially by the huge number of issues that appear thanks to the fabulous development at all levels generated by new technologies, and then, as progress is so, so quickly, often it becomes impossible to learn what 's new on the fly and that's where the need to call an expert to assist us arises.
Moreover, today, advice is deployed by professionals who have organizations and companies dedicated to advising who hire them in the subject they are experts. In image, in communication, in politics, in economics, in design, decoration, to name a few of the most common areas.
Now this does not mean that in the past not common advice, of course it was so and so is in political and economic matters, many great leaders, knew how to have great advice to carry out their efforts.
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[ 2 ]

multiplicity › Definition and Meaning

The word is used multiple extended way in our language. Mostly we use it to refer to the variety, diversity about something and the presence of large amounts of one thing. But it is also correct and common to use it to describe what many elements and has several features; it stand out about this last that this will be the complex issues that have multiple features.
As a result of the foregoing is that this concept is usually associated with issues such as heterogeneity and complexity as we mentioned just one of the ways of use.
That said extension of use makes this concept can be applied in different contexts and situations when you want to indicate that something has the quality of multiple or when there is a crowd of people, items and events around something.
In times like today where diversity is very present at all levels and parts of our planet the concept of multiplicity much just used to make references to them.
For example in terms of language, at present, in the world they coexist even within the same geographic space a variety of languages. This multiplicity is given in most of the cases by indigenous communities who refuse to stop using their native language and then end up speaking this and also the official language, as in the case of Paraguay, where he lives Guarani with Castilian. Or in some parts of Italy where people communicate through their own dialects of the northern and southern part of the country in addition to clearly speak Italian.
Where we also find multiplicity is the number of alternatives and options that are offered in different contexts and situations with which we interact throughout life, as in the case of education, we can choose from a multitude of races when we finished basic studies; on clothing and hairstyles women can also bump us with endless alternatives that allow us to choose one with which we are best represented.
The positive of the multiplicity and variety is just that the choice between several options.
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[ 3 ]

galls › Definition and Meaning

Have boldness, bravery, courage, strength, means having guts. An important quality in life since those who have guts are people who have the ability to overcome their fears to achieve new challenges and not be swayed by the weakness. A person with guts also has fears but will not stay stuck in them, known to be one step ahead to realize that everything you want is beyond their fears.
For example, fall in love means taking on a logical fear of rejection or the fear of loss. However, you have guts and you're brave when you take the game cards in love also taking your vulnerability.

Confront and overcome fear involves learning

The overcoming of fear is an Apprenticeship staff faces every human being throughout life. Typically, a person has less fears forty five years when children are afraid even of darkness.
Fear is a feeling so human that it is also as romanticized in the film, for example through the representation of characters that are stereotyped heroes and lacking significant fears. This is the case, for example, Superman.
However, the real heroes, mortal men of flesh and blood, are people who have fears and every day struggle to outdo themselves to continue their life with enthusiasm.

Love, a motive that pushes and moves

Often the acts heroic are linked by love. That is, when you really love a dream you have more chances to fight against all obstacles to overcome. Guts is to have willpower, ability to overcome, desire to fight for a dream.

Analyze your life in terms of the situations experienced

If you take the lookback you will notice how brave you've been many times in your life. Realize the objectives achieved also it lets you take strength from now to fight for what is to come.

Constant scenarios own society opportunity to improve ourselves

From a point of view metaphorical, life is a constant battle is therefore important to have the guts and courage to stand up to all the adversities that arise along the way: Personal disappointments, sorrows, disappointments, hurts, fears, loneliness, illness, death...
every human being is brave even one who thinks it is not because every day is a new challenge in the book of life. Every human being is a hero capable of the best.
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[ 4 ]

perfection › Definition and Meaning

Perfection is an adjective that always accompanies a noun and shows the degree of beauty and quality of that particular object. Perfection really is in the eye of watching a reality as well shown, for example, in love.
At the beginning of infatuation, a person is perfect in the eyes of the other. However, this view emerging from the other love is a hypnotic effect of the illusion. You know as a person in a deeper way, you see its virtues, ie, their perfections but also observe their defects, ie, its imperfections.
The link between beauty and perfection
The perfection is associated with a more direct way with beauty. In that case, the aesthetics beauty of a landscape beautiful, the created universe is the ultimate expression of perfection. A perfection that is not the work of being human and shows the transcendent side of life: the mystery of the universe.
Such as Gravity fantastic movie starring Sandra Bullock reflects the wonder of a perfect ride through the universe.
From a metaphysical point of view there is also a gradation in being. Gradation reflecting the variation in the perfection of being. Philosophers who defend the existence of a first cause, ie, a divinity define God as the essence perfect against the human being is imperfect and limited.
Perfection seen as a way of overcoming
However, from the human point of view, perfection is a stimulus for improvement, that is, you can grow as a person and improve thanks to have the chance to get new limits, new challenges and reach where ever you imagined.
Excesses and demands on our own abilities
Moreover, it should be very careful with the sense of perfectionism, ie, with excess demand for one who aspires to have a film of pink in your life. Often, this excess of perfectionism can be turned against oneself because precisely perfection itself does not exist. And if you want something that does not exist then you put yourself from a trap entry.
Accepting such as one is
actually true perfection comes to accept reality as it is. That is, looking at the good side of things and people because therein lies the essence of true perfection.
Moreover, although in the society today is associated with perfection aesthetic beauty there is no more perfect than having a good heart.
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[ 5 ]

pigment › Definition and Meaning

The term pigment, in our language, we attribute two main uses, one corresponding to the technical level of the use of color, to designate the substance used to color paint or any other material, and the other employment is in the context of biology, to indicate more or less the same but in this case the contribution of tonality pigment cells is made on reaching define fundamental physical issues such as the color of eyes, hair and skin of an individual.
Then, the pigment is a coloring matter, that is, its primary function is to give color to something. This dye may have a natural origin or its artificial defect.
From the earliest times man has used its presence in the natural environment but then with the running of the time began to produce a large scale industrially.
By fact it is that this sense of the word is often used synonymously with other concepts of use hyper extended, as in the case of color, tint, paint.
The dyes of this type are used in many fields, although no doubt environments gastronomic and production of food and beverage products is where is used more by this fantastic opportunity to produce a certain color to something.
In the realization of products of bakery, where cakes, muffins and other are so many delights is extremely common that we find creams that do not have the typical white but who hold other hyper bright colors like pink, blue, fuchsia, green, between many others. This amazing fact permit precisely the dyes that are integrated into the preparation mixture and allow to those shades.
At the request of the treats it is also very common for dyes are used in order to impart some fantastic colors ending charming and attracting children.
Moreover, in making clothes pigments are used because through them they bring color to the garments according to needs.
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