Cow › Misspellings › Rudimentary › Lack › Roulette › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. cow
  2. Misspellings
  3. rudimentary
  4. lack
  5. roulette

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

cow › Definition and Meaning

Physical characteristics and peculiarities
The cow is one of the most popular mammals that exist in the animal kingdom. It is herbivorous, ie it feeds on grasses and plants which is a landscape common to see cows feeding in large fields in this way. She is also recognized for being female bull and an integral part of the so - called cattle. Meanwhile, the species is formally termed as cattle.
On the physical level is characterized by a significant magnitude, the average usually weigh more than half a ton, a very thick head ends with two horns, hard skin, short hair of different colorings, the most popular and recognized white pints black, legs ending in hooves with a couple of fingers, and certainly long and bristly tail to an end. Meanwhile, regarding its high usually found in the meter and a half.
His flesh and skin products economically precious
should be noted that this type of livestock, especially beef, is extendedly bred by humans for meat and milk and so many other derivative products produced precisely from these. For example, hair cow leather is used for, one of the most precious materials in the leather industry.
Not to mention his flesh, without doubt beef is the most consumed by humans, is the basis of power in almost everyone, consuming all parts of the cow, no exceptions. In places like Argentina, beef is widely popular among Argentines who consume a lot, either baked, roasted, among other alternatives, and very precious also for those who visit the country who know good meat there produces.
Movements that condemn their exploitation
Now, just as there is a production that takes advantage of the products obtained from this animal there is also a controversy by those who defend their rights and condemn their killing both for food and derivative products, such is the for vegetarians and more extreme, vegans, those who condemn extreme kill cows and other animals.
We should also indicate that the language colloquial word is much used to refer to a person who is certainly exceeded weight, because of course, as we saw on the physical plane cow is characterized by its large body.
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[ 2 ]

Misspellings › Definition and Meaning

One of the most important skills a person acquires in his first school stage is learning to read and write with the aim to have a good command of language and have a capacity of expression that respects the laws of grammar and spelling.
A misspelling is an error showing a wrong way to put a word in writing or errors not respentan grammatical rules.
Mastery of language
is a knowledge that is valuable beyond what the career of a person and that every human being faces everyday actions that know how to write a correct mode shows an attention to detail and respect for the interlocutor.
Write an email, write a resume to reactivate the active job search, write a comment on a blog... are actions that show how it is essential to know how to write well to avoid misspellings.
In this regard, it should be pointed out that there are people who used to use the abbreviated language of text messages, have become accustomed to writing mode also incorrect in their day to day. Similarly, the difference between the pages of quality Internet and those who are not is that the former have an excellent level of writing while the latter show words that contain obvious flaws.
Respect for the interlocutor
price write with spelling mistakes is very high. For example, the coach of human resources of a company can rule out a candidate's resume because it contains a grammatical error. And, a misspelling shows little attention to the really important by professionals. To have an excellent command of language is also advisable to enjoy the habit of reading.
There are also resources simple to answer any questions about the meaning of a word or how a particular term is written. Search the word in the dictionary is a fantastic measure to leave doubts and deepen the understanding of language use in an educational way.
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[ 3 ]

rudimentary › Definition and Meaning

When something is rudimentary features simple, unsophisticated mechanism. In this sense, there are devices whose main feature is simplicity. Consider the wheel, a very simple invention which is present in all kinds of objects and has revolutionized technology.
The idea of cause rudiment used in the plural, the rudiments. It is the basic aspects of an activity. Thus, when familiar with a new technique we need to learn its rudiments and move forward progressively. This is what happens, for example, at the beginning of a sports practice or office (you start with the most basic and elemental).
Rudimentary can be used in a derogatory sense. If something is crude and poorly designed can be unattractive, so pejoratively expected to be valued. The hue contemptuous term connects to its etymology, as originally comes from the Latin Rudimentum, which means that something or someone is rude or ignorant. Rudimentary as a negative or derogatory is applicable to various aspects: an object, a way of speaking, clothing or decorating a house. In this sense, it is synonymous with vulgar rudimentary, with little category and impropriety of refined people. The equivalence between crude and vulgar often depends on fashion or a cultural value (there are dishes that are now very sophisticated and very expensive and a few years ago were a food for very poor people).
The rudimentary language in infancy
The communication human has immense complexity and is based on a unique aspect: language.
Words allow us to relate to others, to explain reality and create other worlds through literature. To achieve these levels as elaborate must start with the simplest. So when a child starts talking he makes a very rudimentary form. Initially it beeps for no apparent meaning. On the other hand, mimics the messages you hear around them. Very slowly up gradually uses simple words and gestures to communicate. At this stage the child learns the rudiments of communication and can only be done if you live in society.
There have been instances in history where a child has been brought up by other animals (for example, monkeys) and this has prevented him develop language normally when it has come into contact with humans. The phenomenon of wild child has been useful to understand that linguistic rudiments are acquired in a standardized family and social conditions.
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lack › Definition and Meaning

The term deficiency is a polysemic concept that can have different meanings depending on the context in which they are used.
From the point of view of health in relation to food, a nutritional deficiency shows some dietary deficiency that the person should always corrected with the right for the consequences that this deficiency has on the physical medical advice. For example, a person may have a deficiency of vitamin C in your diet.
The emotional deprivation
From the point of view of psychology, in relation to the plane of affection, lack of affection can lead to emotional deprivation, ie internal voids and that every human being has the need to love and to be loved as shown in the value of the family. A person who has grown up in an unstructured environment during childhood can drag emotional deprivation in adulthood. These deficiencies are linked to the lack of love, a feeling that hurts noticeably in the heart.
From the point of view of happiness, lack precisely refers to what the person does not possess, that is, that which he lacks. In this connection, there are people who are wrong to apply the formula of happiness appropriate since they live more focused on what they lack than what they have.
One type of profile psychological care puts a special way lack is the envious person who grieves over the good of others and lives constantly comparing themselves with others. It draws attention to its shortcomings and not their strengths.
Lack in the business context
From a business point of view, the lack concept refers to customer needs. That is, a company covers a particular need (lack) in a client.
Regarding information related to means of communication, you can also talk that an item displays information gaps. That is, it does not provide enough relevant data on a given topic. A lack of information can also be displayed in a test that the student does not providing the necessary data to answer questions.
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roulette › Definition and Meaning

Roulette is a gambling game mode which is preferably practiced in casinos. Players place bets on a mat with 37 numbers (0 to 36), which correspond with a circular device, roulette, in which a croupier deposited a ball that rotates until it stops in a square with a number. As for the prizes depend on the relationship between the bet made by the player and the number in which the ball is placed (the top prize multiplies the number of chips wagered on a number 35).
Roulette success depends on several factors : luck, calculation of probabilities and, according to some experienced players, the inclination of each circular device, which causes some numbers are the winners with a higher probability. On the other hand, it is considered to be bet coldly and not an impulsive way, this psychological aspect being an essential factor in the strategy to follow.
There are two variants of roulette: French or European with 37 numbers mentioned and American, which incorporates the possibility of betting on the double zero "00" (this small difference makes the odds for banks win are greater in version americana). While the betting system and payments is exactly the same, in France the number of dealers is higher. Both versions can also be played through the online system.
Roulette is a game that historically casinos and a select luxury and glamor associated environment. For this reason, it is a game focused for the elite of society (unlike bingo, which has a popular character).
Roulette in literature and film
The game of roulette is present in great literary works and films famous. There are three classic examples where magic roulette plays a leading role.
In the novel "The Gambler" by Fiódor Dostoyevski, the atmosphere of the casinos and described magnetism exerted on roulette players. Indeed, Dostoyevsky was describing his own experiences, because he was a compulsive gambler who throughout his life was ruined several times.
In the biography of Carmen Posadas on Bella Otero, roulette is part of the personal tragedy of this Spanish showgirl who became famous in the early twentieth century. The bella Otero was a cool, seductive and very attractive woman. His only weakness was the game of roulette. He finished completely ruined and forgotten.
In the movie "Casino" by Martin Scorsese shows the different elements surrounding roulette: professional players, surveillance systems, gamblers or luxury prostitutes who come to the winners.
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