Dystopia › Ucronia › Inclusive School › Equidistance › Oscillated › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. dystopia
  2. ucronia
  3. Inclusive School
  4. equidistance
  5. oscillated

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

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dystopia › Definition and Meaning

Versus dystopia utopia
The dystopia is the concept used as a counterpart of utopia that calls this imaginary world that is usually created for literature or for the seventh art, which is characterized by unpleasant, undesirable to live. As we know, utopia, also proposes a scenario, a world that does not exist in reality but which yearns, reaching ever, because it implies harmony, peace, love, that is, all desirable and dear to most situations people.
That is why many also use the concept of dystopia to call it too.
The scope of the policy has been the first to use this concept back in the nineteenth century, the English politician John Mill used the idea in one of his parliamentary speeches.
Dystopia, a warning against political evils
should be noted that many of the novels, dystopian stories, using or based on real events that happen in communities and that the negative content they hold will end up generating facts unloved and totally dysfunctional for harmony and health of that society.
Many behaviors that are clearly negative are taken as primary actions dystopias because clearly they are capable of triggering scenarios and models totally unfair and unbalanced countries. That is, dystopia often acts as a warning of what can happen if concrete and beneficial changes do not occur in the political or social direction, among others.
1984, a dystopian world
One of the most paradigmatic examples of dystopia and in the field of literature is the book 1984 by English author George Orwell. Orwell there arises how the life of a community that is monitored every minute by the authorities and which are dominated by political propaganda. Its central character, Winston Smith, is the only one who tries to live and reminisce as a tool to rebel against the present as oppressive.
Through the work, Orwell, you try to make a strong critique of totalitarianism, ie, showing repression and lack of freedom that is subject to that society wants to show the dire consequences of living in a state of affairs as is the dictatorial.
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[ 2 ]

ucronia › Definition and Meaning

That of ucronía is anything but a concept commonly used in our language, it may even be that many is the first time I read it... But ucronía not go unnoticed in the world literature where it occupies a prominent place because it is a genre literary precisely characterized by reconstructing the history alternatively, ie proposed as real in the stories he writes, those historical events that might have happened if they had not been won by others. That is, account facts that did not happen but that had a high probability of having occurred.
What would have become of his life if he had not made that decision...?
For as often as we will have asked regarding facts of our own life and public life what would happen if such a fact would not have occurred and would have happened otherwise...
A politician who did not die unexpectedly and could continue to rule their country; an athlete who did not came second and won the race ; John Lennon was not killed a few meters from his house; a military confrontation in which the vanquished actually earn and so many more events.
Clearly, the meaning of life and the things involved in those stories had been diferenten with this alternative outcome.
True facts as a starting point
should be noted that in the account of the novels, stories, Uchronia reconstructs true and logical facts such that are totally acceptable for the reader.
Then the ucronía always part of an event that actually happened but develops an alternative and entirely different outcome that was in reality way. He proposes the reader to know what actually would have happened if that fact had had a totally different ending that I had.
The literature and mass communication as the film have dealt several times to produce ucronías about important events in the history of any nation that ended in a different way to reality.
Matches with science fiction
Many link the genre of science fiction with ucronía, with whom he shares many features, but of course, here the main difference is that the ucronía of real events that are changing the end while science fiction usually presents fantastic scenarios.
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[ 3 ]

Inclusive School › Definition and Meaning

The school is one of the most important living spaces for any student because in the educational environment acquires valuable knowledge of different subjects but also of life itself. The true teacher is one who is also a teacher who transmits values with practical example. In an academic classroom there are students with very different profiles, therefore the inclusive school is one that is defined by the integration of all students by providing teaching a curricular adaptation that takes into account the characteristics and needs of each student.

With clear objectives: learning to work together and interact

Also, students who have special needs. This is to provide an education with attention to diversity. It is a type of education that it tries to boost team spirit among students in a classroom in order to learn together even though each advance at their own pace.
The inclusive education learning spaces in constant evolution and adaptation
Everything that revolves around teaching shows the positive complexity that the human being whose way of understanding reality and whose behavior can not be reduced to predictable mechanism of a machine.
The human being has such valuable gifts such as intelligence, the willpower and freedom. The inclusive school is one that becomes a real home for students who are comfortable in their process of learning, welcomed, valued and with self - esteem solid thanks to the influence so evident between the environment and the inner being.

The problem of lack of resources

In the context of the current academic teaching, teachers sometimes experience the frustration of having few resources to offer a verdaeramente education suited to the needs of each student is unique and unrepeatable but it is part of a group. That is, it is impossible to provide group teaching as if it were a particular class for each listener.
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[ 4 ]

equidistance › Definition and Meaning

The concept of equidistance is used in our language with a mission to tell what equidista, that is, at that point or element, among others, which for example is the same distance from each other with respect. Our homes are equidistant from the city center.
One of the expressions that we use to refer to the statement is the same distance, ie, equidistant and equal distance are synonymous. Of course in language colloquial it is more usual to use the second expression while in other contexts such as mathematics, is more current than the term in question is used.
Widely used in fields such as mathematics, geometry and technical drawing
For instance, in areas such as the aforementioned mathematics, geometry, drawing, among others, it is common to hear about equidistant to express the point, the line, which has a the same distance from another point or line.
In mathematics, the midpoint is located at the same distance of two points that are at opposite ends.
On the other hand, to the geometry, which as stated above also employed recurrence concept, equidistant, that is a point from which it is possible division of a segment into two equal parts, ie, achieve two equal halves. Meanwhile, it is for this to happen equidistant straight bisector that bisects.
The figure of the circle is the best exponent of equidistance because all points equidistant from the center have been the same.
Other uses, reference places and ideological positions
also a word often used outside these contexts of disciplines and exact sciences to indicate that place which is situated halfway on two points that are taken as reference. Meet me at the shopping center located equidistant from your house and mine.
And we usually attribute a meaning symbolic to the word when you want to indicate that something, a posture, an ideological position, to cite one example, it is as the saying goes halfway between two competing proposals, as could be between a progressive and conservative.
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oscillated › Definition and Meaning

The concept of range designates the movement that can produce a body, an object that has hung or supported at one point and that causes it to move from side to side alternately. One of the clearest examples explaining this movement is the support of any object hanging by a thread and that from a fixed point it can move back and forth going on forever when he goes forth by the same midpoint. That is, the body sways from one end to another with reciprocating motion type.
Moreover, the word is also used to refer to the growth and immediate decrease in terms of intensity suffering variables, phenomena or manifestations, among others. When the climate of a city has changed, ie, temperatures drop sharply and come up with the same sense of a sudden, it is said that the temperature is oscillating.
Moreover, the same change can be seen in issues such as prices of goods and services as a result of an inflationary scenario. As we know, inflation generates significant increases that occur in prices, also from day to day.
And in the language conversational usual used the expression to oscillate to express doubt, hesitation shows someone about an issue or situation and is the direct consequence of not being sure about that topic. Mary between her ex - boyfriend and the new candidate that intended.
Important decisions that sometimes it is necessary to life, and that marked a before and after, are normally arouse someone oscillate, especially those characterized by uncertainty and indecision.
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