Adagio › Apologia For Terrorism › Appropriateness › Subconscious › Symbolizing › › What is the meaning and definition

Concepts and Meanings Category ›› General

  1. Adagio
  2. Apologia for terrorism
  3. appropriateness
  4. subconscious
  5. symbolizing

Definitions and meanings of words and expressions Category: General

[ 1 ]

Adagio › Definition and Meaning

The concept adage has an extended and special instances the scope of using music as through it is called a kind of tempo that is characterized by a rather slow speed, ie, the tempo or time the adagio is slow.
Per case it is that the concept is very much used to refer generally to those musical pieces that just have a composition slow musical.
In English we usually call popularly slow to those themes, songs, which are characterized precisely by having a slow music and a letter related to the romantic, while, as there is a strong association between slow music and the adage is that slow is also recognized as the adages.
Also the term is widely used in the plane of the dance to name those choreographies or movements of dance consisting of slow, fine movements and are accompanied by music where the tempo is slow fairly well.
At present and as a result of the popularity achieved by several television dance competitions, the adage, has seen its recognition and also like people to see and hear an adagio dance.
Has mostly been the format created by the company Televisa and called Dancing with the Stars or places of Argentina as dancing for a dream who has popularized much this pace, being just one of the main rhythms participating couples must develop at the behest of the contest.
Also in this public favor positively impacts the fact that it is a rhythm consisting of slow melodies and suggest romance.
Moreover, at the request of linguistics, the concept of adagio is used to designate this rather short sentence but will not go unnoticed because it affirms knowledge or advice of relevant life that has been passed through time. It is therefore the adages are an important part of popular wisdom.
This sense is often used synonymously with terms like saying and proverb.
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[ 2 ]

Apologia for terrorism › Definition and Meaning

The apology is an action that implies that a person, through a speech or a written document, praises or exalts an activity or an individual, so it performs or thinks.
It should be noted that normally the concept is attributed a negative connotation because it is especially associated with the praise and glorification of illegal or morally reprehensible activities, as in the case of consumption of drugs or violence, to name some of the most common cases.
And meanwhile, terrorism is that activity through which groups or organizations fighting over some issue policy develop plagued acts of violence to precisely impose its ideology and ultimately destroy peace and the state of affairs in force which by of course they do not agree.
That is, they want to establish a state of fear and insecurity among the population of the geographic location in which they operate in order to gradually achieve total destabilization that allow them to be imposed on them as authority.
Then, the defending terrorism is just endorse through such actions or action of any terrorist group. That is, one who performs such an apology will defend and support with words and even with all that concrete actions proposed by the terrorist group in question.
Terrorism is a scourge that the planet lives in a long - standing, and even, in some geographical areas is really cruel and recurrent. Some paradigmatic cases we can cite as examples are the Basque terrorist organization ETA, Spanish intimidating to people with massacres and bombs; Colombia FARC also spreading fear with his vitriolic attacks; and of course Al Qaeda, the Islamic extremist group that carried out in 2001 the greatest act of terror in the United States to shoot down with airplanes piloted by suicide the World Trade Center.
It is worth mentioning to complete this action is punishable by law because it constitutes a serious affront to peace and harmony in any state of law. Especially because terrorism is plainly a crime, and therefore, encourage or support the same it is too.
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[ 3 ]

appropriateness › Definition and Meaning

The concept of adequacy refers to that which is suitable, that is, that which is perfectly compatible for something. In the context of love, for example, it is said that a person is suitable for another when both have a lot in common and a high degree of compatibility.
In fact, marriage agencies have the fitness factor into account through the personality test showing personal data. A level of couple, two people are compatible when they have a life project like have feelings reciprocal and physical attraction.

Friendship and common factors that enable such a relationship

From the point of view of friendship, two people are compatible when they have points in common, for example, they share the same hobby. Having points with another person reinforces the degree of compatibility.

Expertise in the professional field

Similarly, at the professional level, we can say that a job is suitable for a job candidate when connected to personal vocation. The coach of human resources looking through the selection process suitable candidate for the position, that is, to the candidate who meets the requirements stated in the job offer. Highlights in this job materialize the requirements that the candidate must meet regarding professional experience and theoretical training.

An expression of one's ability

From this point of view, a person is suitable for a job when it meets the requirements and competencies and is presented as someone able to achieve the goals. In this way, the concept of ideal person does not value itself (as every human being is perfect in dignity) but their theoretical knowledge, attitude and practical skills. A person may be suitable for a job also in terms of their physical characteristics. For example, a person who wants to work as a model must meet specific canons of beauty.

Adequacy and Ethics

From the point of view of morality, an action is ideal when it meets the ethical staff of that which is consistent with their values in compliance with a standard. A moral level, it is most suitable for humans since the well brings personal satisfaction, inner wellbeing and overcoming staff.

Health-related concepts

From the point of view of health, there are habits that are not suitable, for example, smoking. Suitable habits are: walking, proper rest, eating healthy and positive thinking.
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[ 4 ]

subconscious › Definition and Meaning

The human being is a very complex being. The introspection is one of the premises of happiness more important to be happy since you insofar as you know yourself, you know who you are, what you want and what objective you want to achieve. However, there is information of a human being who only knows himself.

What you know about himself inhabits the unconscious, which lies in the subconscious

However, there are also areas of a person who knows neither herself nor others. This type of information is left in the plane of the unconscious, valuable information that is not readily accessible. That information displayed in the unconscious refers to the subconscious, a concept of psychology psychoanalyst founded by Freud, one of the greatest exponents of psychology.
In addition, one should also point out that there are other areas of personality that only knows oneself, for example, the scope of Secrets (information hidden from others and that a person keeps in his maximum privacy). Similarly, there is also information self also knows the immediate environment.

Information hiding of consciousness

Focusing attention on the level of subconscious contains information about those concepts that are below the threshold of consciousness or definitely hide a reality that is completely inaccessible. From the point of view of psychoanalytic terms dictionary, the subconscious concept refers to these non - conscious parts of the human mind. However, it should be pointed out that the subconscious is not a concept that is widely used throughout the thought of itself Freud since this author 's commitment to use a more common fomra other concepts such as the unconscious, the plane preconscious and scope nonconscious.
The conscious mind is that part with which a person performs his actions in daily routine. Through the conscious mind a person knows how you will do what you want to accomplish. For example, a person uses your conscious mind to decide which menu will prepare the lunch.
Moreover, the level of the subconscious mind has a high contenidoemocional. At the level of the subconscious mind there are many memories stored even if you can not access all that information.
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symbolizing › Definition and Meaning

The psychoanalysis is one of the schools of psychology major. In the theory of psychoanalysis, there is important information that a human level lies in the plane of the unconscious. This applies, for example, with repressed impulses. In this article we focus on analyzing what symbolization, one of the essential concepts of the theory of psychoanalysis.

Symbolizing on religious grounds

The power of the symbol means be interpreted to decipher its meaning. There are different areas of reality and culture that have a high content of symbols, this is the case, for example, of religion that uses symbols as a means of expression spiritual. Similarly, myths as a means of describing reality through the habit of storytelling also has a high content of symbols. The same happens in the case of fables that convey a particular tale. Art is another cultural area that has a high symbolic.

Symbolizing in psychoanalysis

In psychoanalysis, Freud greatest exponent of this branch of psychology explains that symbols have an interpretation of a sexual nature. At the level of psychoanalysis, dreams also have a high symbolic value that can be interpreted. The subject has a division between conscious and unconscious and connects to both symbol levels. A symbol substitutes for something specific. In the case of a mental symbol, it is a representation replaces a thing or an attribute of a particular object.
The symbols have a high power in understanding the human being as manifested by fantasies of imagination, through dreams, when children make their drawings in games that take place during their leisure time through stories that convey a message.

An analysis that transcends the very meaning

The symbol has a meaning that transcends hence it is important to seek what lies behind it, which refers to the symbolic meaning. Through a psychoanalytic process it is also possible to deepen the roots of the value of the symbol. However, not all the facts of life have been concretized through a symbol, that is the case, for example, in the case of a traumatic event that the person could not be processed.
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